Thoughs that have been through labour before..


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Have you had bad experiances and its completely put you off having another child?

Ive been ttc for ages now, and the only thing that scares me is the pain of labour, im no good with pain, i suppose no one is, but im a complete wuss! lol

If you have anything so share it would be great, but maybe tho's that are due to give birth any day shouldnt read if it gets too gruesome :)

im on for baby no 5 and have loved everyone of my labours the drugs help of course lol but our bodies are designed for it and if all else fails take the drugs i did 1 on just gas and air :)
I'm a wuss with pain too but I'm actually looking forward to labour! The only bad experience I had which was quite a major one was I had a retained placenta. It came away in bits so had to have a manual removal under spinal annesetic to remove all the product! Wasn't the best thing to go through and to start off with when I fell pregnant I didn't think about it but then at every mw appointment they've brought it up. There's a 50/50 chance of it happening again and I'm praying to god it doesn't happen again!!
sorry whats a retained placenta? xx
I'm a total wuss but I gave birth with no pain relief at all (soooooo not my choice - just the way it turned out!). I kinda feel empowered by that because I know that next time I'm getting ALL the drugs and making sure I do but if all else fails, I know that my body is capable of doing it without any pain relief and that I came out the other end in one piece! :)
retained placenta's where part of your placenta doesnt come away!

my first labour was 23 hours long and i ended up in theatre with a 3rd degree tear, but 24 hours later i was like, i so could do it again! and then 12 months later i was doing it again :lol: after that one i said never again, cos it scared the sh*t outa me! only cos it was so fast like! but in all honestly, i'm a complete woose, i cant take pain at all, but i really like the pain of labour, giving birth is the most amazing feeling in the world! OHs best mate thinks i'm crazy cos i said i would pop them out every day if i could :rofl:
I can honestly say that I can not wait to give birth again! I had a wonderful experience with DD and I'm so looking forward to experiencing it again!

I do know a lady who had twins and although she is really broody she's so terrified of it being twins again that she won't ttc!
I had my first with no drugs and i loved it. I wanted to feel it all because i think you should. Unless you have to have a C-section lol.

I loved it and would do it all the time if i could haha x
sorry whats a retained placenta? xx

Like alice said it's where my placenta didn't fully come away. If left inside me, I could've hemorrhaged sp? Or got a very bad infection!!
I only had gas and air with my daughter and I coped! It's amazing what your body can do!!
It's a good sort of pain, you are kinda of on a high cos you are about to meet your baby. I would have done it all again an hour after giving birth :)
i had k with gas and air and pethedine and e with nothing at all, but had to have about 5 injections of local anaesthetic to have a tooth out cos it did nothing :rofl:
I love labour and giving birth,its such an amazing thing. This is my 4th baby,the 1st i had gas and air and pethidine,2nd just gas and air and unfortunately ended up wiv a c section last time but il b goin 4 just the gas and air again this time aswell xxx
My 1st 4 labours I absolutely loved, I am the biggest wimp in the world I cry with a headache, I had gas and air with them and even though I have very fast labours and was induced with 2 of them early to make sure I didn't have the baby out shopping lol it was still a fantastic experience, no stitches no tears just perfect, my last labour on the other hand was far too fast and it was 8 minutes from start to finish it was even more scary than the previous 15 mins I had had with my 4th, i had him up on the induction ward and they had to clear the ward I had no pain relief no time for that, my hubby vertually delivered him on end of bed, i ended up with 2nd degree tear and stitches, they said it was cause he shot out literally. So I am a bit nervous that this one is going to be faster and its very scary i dont know how you can get faster. I am still doing it again though also i got told once think of every pain as 1 pain less to getting your baby that really helped me with my 1st
I can't say I enjoyed labour but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. It was honestly the worse pain i've ever been in, but literally as soon as your handed you baby its comlpetely gone. Totally worth it.

I had a long labour which was really unpleasant, but here i am about to do it all again :lol:

dont worry about the pain, our bodies are built to handle it...think of the reward ;-)
gosh its so scary! Its kind of comforting hearing peoples stories ... no one seems to be too traumatised! Ive been having nightmares about giving borth already and im only just over 7 weeks!

Has anyone fainted during labour? Im such a complete wuss when it comes to any type of pain i faint ... its happened so many times and im worried about continuously fainting during labour :-s x
Honestly ul b fine...I actually enjoy labour,it's extremely painful but cos the pain usually starts off slight then increases it. Seems more bareable. After 9 months of interrupted sleep,swollen ankles,heartburn,piles,sickness,constipation etc etc I always saw labour as the end of all of this and the start of a new life. Durin labour I kinda zone out,I'm unaware of time or any of my surroundings (not sure if it's just me) ur body is designed to do this and will cope xx
Im such a complete wuss when it comes to any type of pain i faint ... its happened so many times and im worried about continuously fainting during labour :-s x

Has your GP ever looked into this hun?

Make sure you discuss it with MW, if it is anything to do with low blood pressure/blood sugar, they will want to be aware of it. ;)

Or you could just be like me, I don't have a problem with needles but my body likes to react like it does....:wall: As a Student Midwife (not anymore though) I learnt how to take blood samples and give certain injections (under supervision of course) but when I have my own bloods done I get all faint whether I like it or not :oooo: ...

Don't worry though, like the other Ladies have said, body is made for Labour and you will do brilliantly!!

I normally have quite a high pain threshold but I felt like I couldn't cope with the labour pains, I had prostin gel so they say that brings on the contractions harder and faster than your body would do naturally so I feel like I didn't get a chance to deal with the pain before it was unbearable. I eventually got diamorphine and gas and air, episiotomy and forceps to deliver him.......but every day I remember the pain a little less ;) I would love another!!!! :)
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im a fainter too hun :lol: famous locally for keeling over when having the teeniest splinter removed from my finger :rofl:

adrenaline will be pumping when the time comes and fainting is a common thing, the midwives will know what to do.

i say i am a fainter, but it did not happen during labour...napped between contractions but no fainting

you'll be fine, honest ;-)

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