Thoughs that have been through labour before..

Im terrible for fainting so yeh cherelle im worried about that too!
But yeh reading all these stories is really nice, im not even pg yet but still nice to think it will be me one day :)
Thanks girls x
i had k with gas and air and pethedine and e with nothing at all, but had to have about 5 injections of local anaesthetic to have a tooth out cos it did nothing :rofl:

That's what terrifies me.....I had to have about 5 shots when i had a tooth out and they realised 'i wasn't taking to that anaesthetic'.....i have never had to have an op, so what if i feel everything!! ha ha...oh god....Oh I did have a wisdom tooth out and I was off my trolley on valium and didnt feel a thing, so i must be okay with certain drugs .......

I have to admit though...i have not ttc until now because i am so scared of labour....i flinch like a child when my OH picks one of my spots! ha ha...tmi
I ended up with a section so haven't experience the final parts of labour, but for the whole 2 hours I was in labour, I can honestly say Id do it all again in a heartbeat. I just had pethadine which is rubbish, it just makes you dizzy, so Ive decided next time I dont want any pain relief. I might regret that as Im pushing next time, but I got to 10cm and pushed for a while and it really wasnt even half as bad as I thought. You'll be fab when the time comes.
I had the thought in my head all the way through my pregnancy that i wanted to feel Adam being born, and i did just that, i was in labour for around 3hours with just gas and air and now im here again thinking the same thing, i would really love to do it without the gas and air this time but im not sure whether im brave enough!
x x

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retained placenta's where part of your placenta doesnt come away!

my first labour was 23 hours long and i ended up in theatre with a 3rd degree tear, but 24 hours later i was like, i so could do it again! and then 12 months later i was doing it again :lol: after that one i said never again, cos it scared the sh*t outa me! only cos it was so fast like! but in all honestly, i'm a complete woose, i cant take pain at all, but i really like the pain of labour, giving birth is the most amazing feeling in the world! OHs best mate thinks i'm crazy cos i said i would pop them out every day if i could :rofl:

With your 3rd degree tear how was labour the 2nd time? as i had my first baby 10 days ago they mentioned they might suggest i have a c-section next time round because of my tear.......

But labour was nothing like i thought it would be and i only had gas and air and that was from when i was about 8cm dilated!! i am a total wuss too but just dealt with the pain!!
I don't want any more children, I have my 3 boys and I am happy with that but the thought of never going through laboutvand delivery again saddens me. I had my last two with G&A only and it was amazing!! Yeah it hurts but it's not like a usual pain, it's an exhilerating pain. I think the fear of it is alot worse than the actual experience xx
I can't wai to give birth (it's my first) I have every baby and birth programme on sky plus and I can sit for hours watching :lol:

I bet when it comes to it I will be hysterical wanting everything I can get my hands on to take away the pain!
it is a funnily enjoyable pain when you think you're going to meet your baby!!!! i had joshua 2 weeks ago and could sooooooooooooooooo do it again now!!!! make the most of the drugs, its what they are there for, i had codeine (which gets me really high) paracetamol, pethidene amd gas and air and when it all kicked in i was dribbling and couldnt feel a bloody thing!!!!! wonderful stuff i tell you!!! xx
Im almost phobic about giving birth which is why i left it so late! All these posts are really helping though thank you x
I've just had my 2nd 6days ago and I'd love to do it again!! Only used a little gas n air, was more in control without it. I'm so broody it's unbelievable!!
Im almost phobic about giving birth which is why i left it so late! All these posts are really helping though thank you x

same here....i think i'm gonna need some sort of counselling when i am pregnant......daft i know, but i am simply terrified of labour...i would actually just not have one to escape it, but i know me and OH would love a little one so i have to face it :o(
Im almost phobic about giving birth which is why i left it so late! All these posts are really helping though thank you x

same here....i think i'm gonna need some sort of counselling when i am pregnant......daft i know, but i am simply terrified of labour...i would actually just not have one to escape it, but i know me and OH would love a little one so i have to face it :o(
Well imagine my surprise i thought i was going through the menopause but apparently its a body's trick to make you think that when you are older when all the time the body is frantically fertile! About a week off the pill and wham! So now I have to go through it! I read somewhere that your body knows what to do you just have to support it through labour which I can cope with as it removes me somewhat from the whole process!
Im almost phobic about giving birth which is why i left it so late! All these posts are really helping though thank you x

same here....i think i'm gonna need some sort of counselling when i am pregnant......daft i know, but i am simply terrified of labour...i would actually just not have one to escape it, but i know me and OH would love a little one so i have to face it :o(
Well imagine my surprise i thought i was going through the menopause but apparently its a body's trick to make you think that when you are older when all the time the body is frantically fertile! About a week off the pill and wham! So now I have to go through it! I read somewhere that your body knows what to do you just have to support it through labour which I can cope with as it removes me somewhat from the whole process!

a week off the pill??? good old are you and how long were you on the pill, if you don't mind me asking x:oooo:
Im almost phobic about giving birth which is why i left it so late! All these posts are really helping though thank you x

same here....i think i'm gonna need some sort of counselling when i am pregnant......daft i know, but i am simply terrified of labour...i would actually just not have one to escape it, but i know me and OH would love a little one so i have to face it :o(
Well imagine my surprise i thought i was going through the menopause but apparently its a body's trick to make you think that when you are older when all the time the body is frantically fertile! About a week off the pill and wham! So now I have to go through it! I read somewhere that your body knows what to do you just have to support it through labour which I can cope with as it removes me somewhat from the whole process!

a week off the pill??? good old are you and how long were you on the pill, if you don't mind me asking x:oooo:
I dont mind, Im 43 and have been on it pretty much since i was about 20! The funniest thing the baby was conceived on my birthday :oops:
I havent read all the way through the thread but I had a very medicalised labour and c section, I cried through most stages of it, but the part I liked the most was before all the intervention started and I was having contractions with my OH holding my hand. Yes it hurt but the only way I can descibe the feeling is after youve done a really long run in a race or something, you get that rush, kind of like youre so proud of yourself and high that youve done it, every contraction feels like that :flower:

its when the doctors start that youve got to be worried, youre body will be just fine :)
when youre pregnant, you just feel okay about giving birth, cos you become very aware of your womanhood. The most gutting thing is not being able to give birth.
when youre pregnant, you just feel okay about giving birth, cos you become very aware of your womanhood. The most gutting thing is not being able to give birth.

yeah....i have been told by friends that once baby is in there, that little thing is your absolute priority and your own pain doesn't matter anymore.....sorry it didn't work out for you as you had hoped xx

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