Positive labour preparation thread!

Bella2 I was thinking of you writing the post :) I noticed you seemed a bit nervous.

I love this tread!

My sister just gave birth a few months ago and she had the best birth ever. No pain at all really and it only took her a couple hours!! I hope mine will be like this time too.
Think its important with support, good communication with midwife when you are in labour and dont be afraid to ask for relief and help when you need it..

Breathing is very important too, and I have heard keeping yourself active during labour like walking around, have bath is very helpful too!
One positive comment I would like to make is- Not all first-time births are excruciatingly long experiences! I remember being terrified by stories of 12 hour, 24 hour and 48 hour labours, and being told by everyone to expect it to be long as it was my first. Turns out, the time I got into hospital to the birth took 2 hours and 15 minutes :)
The best advice I can give for this kind of experience is try your hardest not to go into hospital too early- in reality, contractions with Amelia started the morning before, but I spent the whole day out doing things, walking around and generally keeping myself busy, so that once I got to hospital I was calm and ready for labour.
ive got to admit when i had my first baby, i was induced, i panicked that much at 3cm i had an epidural because the pain felt unbearable. then i was confined to a bed it was awful.
My second baby was a breeze after my waters went i didnt panic at all and i just had gas and air had him and it was a great experience.

i think its all in the mind, great support is fantastic to x x x x

That's great, hope you have an easy labour again this time! Xx

aaaww hunny thanx so do i lol x
Got a couple more tips to help, prepare your perineum by massaging it before hand regularly or get your OH to do it so it will stretch easier and reduce tearing, heres a link on how to do it http://www.babyworld.co.uk/information/birth/assisted_delivery/perineal_massage.asp
You can also take arnica during labour and after to help reduce bruising and swelling and give you a boost during labour when needed. Also using clary sage and lavender in labour can help relax and de-stress. Don't use clary sage until in labour though as it can also bring on contractions.
Bexybun :) one girl from my antenatal classes gave birth a few days ago. Also her first child, and it went very easy and fast - she actually didn't make it to the hospital and had birth at home lol. All is well though and she coped brilliantly!

First labours can definitely be easy!
Sarah thanks for that! I think I better not open the link from work, but will check it out in the evening :)
Sarah had a look at the link at last - I think it's a nice idea, but not sure about using oil... It's kinda... weird :) And probably will smell. What do you think?
I've not tried it yet lol! I was thinking of maybe using ky jelly, oil seems a bit odd to me too, keep thinking I should do it considering I tore quite badly last time, I really don't want the afterpains and stitches from that again, didn't even know i tore at the time though! I need my hubby back home to do it for me lol!
Sarah I might try not to use any lubricants at all. still should work I think
i agree with the keep calm and dont panic = less pain

i think staying at home in your own environment is also good x i stayed at home till an hour before i had my dd
If you get out of sync with your breathing a good tip is to sit astride a chair so you can lean fwd on the back of it and get you oh to place both palms flat on each shoulderblade then take a deep breath in, then when your oh runs his hands slowly down your back breathe out until he gets to the bottom of ur back. When he lifts his hands off and puts them back at the top breathe in, keep repeating, basically ur oh regulates your breathing with a lovely back massage, so u follow his lead and rythm rather than getting flustered on your own, its good to practice it tho as mine didn't give me enough time to breathe in bless him, but we've got it to a good rhythm now!!!!! :)

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