This is horrific

So sick. How could anyone do that?! How did she think she would ever get away with it? It makes me so mad! And sad for the the lady and her family.
It's horrendous that this sort of thing actually happens to awful for her, the baby and the family. Makes me want to cry :-(
Oh this is horrific!! Poor poor lady and baby! That's really upset me xx
Omg! Can't believe some people in the world can be so evil, so sad!
disgusting, horrifying, shocking... but not a stand alone case! I recall reading a story about the same thing years ago in America....

humans are horrid!
I just dont 'get' it... if you watch something like Stanley Kubricks 'the shinning' the music, the suspense and the characters all lead you to being scared the shite out of!

i think its a bit of a cop - out just to have someone cut open on screen! What is the point in that???

Films like SEVEN were good, they were the last of the gory but not slasher film. its just not necessary and yes it does give the wrong message to the general populus i reckon x

Seven is one of my fav films.. I totally agree.. Where do the killers get their ideas from?? Films!! People develop fascinations with the 'story lines' and gore.. Obsessions turn to reality in the wrong mind and it seems there are more and more people like this in the world!! Certain films shouldn't even be made.. They thrive off sickos!! Kids are younger and younger being allowed to watch scary films no wonder the youth of today are how they are!!

That poor woman and her family :(
Oh my god that had me in tears, That woman deserves to be punished much worse than lifetime in prison for what she done :-( its just horrific
omg there are some sick people in the world. that poor family

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