This feels weird!! *updated*

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Im not very well at all and my cousin said she would come over to watch James whilst I go get a kip.

She turned up, took one look at me and said she was taking him to hers so I could have a proper rest!! I must look rough!! :rotfl:

So anyway, Im now home alone for the first time since James was born and BOY does it feel weird!!

Gonna go have a bath and then catch some :sleep: :sleep:

Or at least I will try!! I have to say Im fretting already!!!!!! Hes only been gone 15 minutes!!!!!! :oops:
My mum took ds for an hour when he was about a week old because I was exhausted & she said I needed a proper rest. I ended up not sleeping at all, just pacing the floor until he came back! I still hate it when I have to go to work & leave him now. At least I only have to do 2 days a week, I don't think I could manage full time!
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Aww enjoy it hun u deserve a break, im same with Ellie tho i start fretting before shes even left my sight! :lol: :hug:
When I've had to go to the office I've fretted loads and loads... and thats only been a couple of hours... I also keep thinking I've "forgotten" the baby somewhere... :rotfl: :rotfl:
awhh :( its really hard but you do need to sleep if ur tired enjoy it hun..
you enjoy it hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i still fret leaving jayde shes never been left overnight yet though i hate being away from her for just 5 mins
I have no problems leaving Evie with OH, my mum or my sister anymore. I trust them all 100%. At first I hated it but now I'm more relaxed about it. OH has her every thursday night while I go out and have some me time playing netball. During the week my mum or sister has her for an hour so I can clean the house and get stuff done or do my shopping.

I still miss her like mad but sometimes you just need an hour to yourself and when I'm done and I see her again it's an ace feeling!

She's even stayed over at mums once so me and OH could have some time together...that was hard but now I've done it I feel better about doing it again if we need to.
i've left harrison twice for 15 minutes each time and hated it :lol: :lol: but if the mil offered to have him overnight so i could kip i'd jump at the chance :rotfl:
Well I had a lovely bath and read my book for the first time since I had James! :dance: :dance:

But I couldnt get to sleep cos I was fretting :oops: So instead I cleaned all of the upstairs and took the opportunity to sort all the washing out and put it away as the spare room was starting to resemble a very busy laundrette!! :lol:

It was mad cos I kept panicking thinking "Id better check on James" and then Id remember he wasnt there!!! :rotfl:

I caved after 2 hours and had to call my cousin to bring him home. It was lovely to be able to get some stuff done but it was much lovelier to have him back!
Although I am considering asking her is she would like to take the little monster at 2am in the morning when he wants to play, so Mummy can catch some much needed Zzzzzzzz :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

Cant see her going for that somehow..... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
weve been at my mums for the weekend and it was our wedding anniversary on sunday we went out , was only gone 2.5 hours lol but it was weird , like id lost a limb !

but to give us an extra break mum slept down stairs with the baby ! ( he cant be in her room she sleeps with 3 dogs lol ) and it was soooo weird not havin him next to me ! and i still woke up at 5.30 and went and checked on him lol he'd just woke for feeding !

well what annoys me most is he was a lil dream for her ! slept from 11 till 5.30 , ate his early brekkie and fell straight back asleep till 9 , his never done this with me ! EVER ! infact today he was up from 4 am :cry: WHY !

mum recons he can smell me as he didnt stir proper till i looked at him lmao it was when i got up at 9 he woke again too !
I can't bear to be away from Luke. I miss him when he is laying on his own next to me or if someone else is holding him LMAO

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