Things you wished you known...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Since this will be my first natural birth (hopefully) as I had a c section with Eva, was just wondering what things you wish you'd known before labour / birth / afterwards that your m/w won't tell you :) Feel free to scare me :lol:

Sorry If this has been done before..
Stay at home as long as possible, its best in your own enviromemt and more comfortable. I have had three good experiences but with my last i went into hospitol far too early and wished i had stayed at home longer.
when they come to examine you afterwards, get on the gas and air well in advance :lol: and be warned, you might get a finger up your bum!!
Dont be scared. Fear causes tension and tension causes pain. Be as relaxed and positive as possible and it wont be that bad! When you feel that you cant go on and start saying things like 'I cant do this' 'Get it out' 'Kill me now' etc etc. take it as a good sign - this means it's almost over and time to meet your LO! Make sure your birth partner knows to watch for that too and remind you you're almost there! :D
when they come to examine you afterwards, get on the gas and air well in advance :lol: and be warned, you might get a finger up your bum!!

eeerrrr!!!! gross! thanks 4 the warning tho
Dont be scared. Fear causes tension and tension causes pain. Be as relaxed and positive as possible and it wont be that bad! When you feel that you cant go on and start saying things like 'I cant do this' 'Get it out' 'Kill me now' etc etc. take it as a good sign - this means it's almost over and time to meet your LO! Make sure your birth partner knows to watch for that too and remind you you're almost there! :D

so true! i remember thinking to myself "i've changed my mind, i dont want to do this anymore" she was here less than 10 minutes later :lol:
just to checkeverything's still intact! might not be standard procedure, but i had 3rd degree tears both times and they had to check i hadnt torn right thru everything...
I agree with Mervs Mum but my MW kindly let me know I would experiance the "Freak out" and it's true, when I had mine (screaming for epidural..:lol:), LO was there 20 minutes later! One thing I would say is that when you are on your last push, try and ease off the gas and air, because I kept going until he was out, and the first moments of me holding him are very hazy.. I can't remember being told he was a boy:shock:. Thats the only thing I wish I had have done differently.. But go with the flow :yay: And being relaxed will work 110% in your favor x
Hmmm I'd say stay at home for long as poss,but I'm such a panicky person and just wanted to be somewhere I knew I was safe as Hayden was overdue.
Also,my mw told me that when I start feeling twinges,have a nice bath.... WRONG haha it made y contractions come thick and fast. I'm gunna be weird and say i'm lookin forward to this labour. Had no pain releif (bar gas an air) with Hayden, and even then they took it off me to push!! Did ask for pethedine but they refused.

x x x
I wish i hadnt done a birth plan and been more prepared to go with the flow. When i got to hospital and was immediately told i couldnt go in the midwife led unit as I was from 'out of area' It totally threw me, This time i'll definately take it more as it comes
Agree completely about 'the freak out' I went from feeling in control and calm to suddenly 'i don't wanna do this any more' then she was here! x If you get the chance try everything like getting in the birthing pool to bouncing on the exercise ball! It really helped me and kept me focused x I found that whilst in labour I didn't care that me mw held a conversation with a student mw whilst checking my waters and dilation (ie hand up where baby was gonna come down) and everything fades into insignificance when you hold your baby for the first time! Ohhhh I can't wait now!

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