Things you will miss the most about being pregnant...

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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We did this a while back but I thought it would be fun to do it again with so many newbies in Tri 3....

Mine are...

Feeling bubs inside me, especially when he has hiccups - its sooooooo cute.
Having DH doting on me and doing loads of stuff for me
Maternity leave! :cheer:
Having the excuse to eat what I want!
i'll miss not having an excuse to train (in the gym) like a girl lol
Having people carry my bags and fetch me things :D
Feeling the baby move inside me (though admittedly this is slowly gravitating towards the "Things I will NOT miss about being pregnant!" list because it's getting increasingly painful!)
Having an excuse to laze about
Random people smiling at me and/or the bump (gosh, how touching :) )
feeling him move around only during the day tho i wont miss it when its 3am lol

People doing things for me and sympathising when i have mood swings instead of gettin pissed off with me

its great cos im moving in the next week and i wont have to do any of it! :D
J-Do1979 said:
Feeling bubs inside me, especially when he has hiccups - its sooooooo cute.
You will really miss this & that you feel really special when you're pregnant. I never ever thought I would miss my bump, but I did!
people doing things for me? pppffttt, I wish, I always seem to be getting my OH things from the kitctchen for him :roll:
feeling her move
leaving work
eating for 54 :lol: :lol:
midna said:
I miss so much lol :cry: ...the whole preggo journey it seems so sad when it ends...although I dont think I said that at T + 13 :lol:

No I don't remember you being that nostalgic at T +13! I even missed going to see my mw every few weeks!
I will miss:

*My baby bump
*Feeling little one kicking around inside of me
*Maternity leave as I love the little afternoon naps I get to have :D

Crystal xx
I missed my bump, and stroking it and talking to imogen who would kick back in response.
I'll miss the bump and him moving, like others have said the hiccups are cute.

Dressing like a tramp everyday, not doing much work :rotfl:
i love my bump, so i'll miss that :cry:

I'll miss having her with me all the time...when i had beth i found it really hard once she was out and other people were holding her and wanting to feed her and stuff, i missed her, so im hoping i wont be as sad about it this time! She's safe in my tummy, and all her little movements and stuff are like theyre just for me (i know im selfish, but i like having her all to myself :D )

I'll definitely having a reason to looklike crap / dress like crap.. :rotfl: I like it! I can just say im tired / feel sick or whatever, and i love my maternity jeans. You just cant gt away with a stretchy waitband in the same way when youre not preggers, lol :lol:
sazzylou said:
I'll miss having her with me all the time...She's safe in my tummy, and all her little movements and stuff are like theyre just for me (i know im selfish, but i like having her all to myself :D )

Me too, I feel so sad about the fact peole will want to keep grabbing her or him off of me :cry:
Happybunny said:
sazzylou said:
I'll miss having her with me all the time...She's safe in my tummy, and all her little movements and stuff are like theyre just for me (i know im selfish, but i like having her all to myself :D )

Me too, I feel so sad about the fact peole will want to keep grabbing her or him off of me :cry:

yeah i cant imagine letting someone else hold her :? im dreading the in-laws passing her gonna be such a possessive mummy :roll:
I'll miss....

my bump
feeling baby move
not having to watch my weight
having scans

I'm already feeling a bit sad that my pregnancy is almost over, on the one hand I can't wait to meet baby, on the other, I know it will be my last pregnancy (OH would never agree to a 3rd!) so I never want it to end.
gymbabeliz said:
yeah i cant imagine letting someone else hold her :? im dreading the in-laws passing her gonna be such a possessive mummy :roll:

Bloody right an'all. I was far too nice letting people hold Beth when she was born.......i hated it the entire time, but i thought it was the thing to do :wall: Thought i had to let them all hold her. It got ridiculas though when the in laws started inviting their random neighbours over and passing her to them :x Im gonna be VERY possesive this time lol.
sazzylou said:
gymbabeliz said:
yeah i cant imagine letting someone else hold her :? im dreading the in-laws passing her gonna be such a possessive mummy :roll:

Bloody right an'all. I was far too nice letting people hold Beth when she was born.......i hated it the entire time, but i thought it was the thing to do :wall: Thought i had to let them all hold her. It got ridiculas though when the in laws started inviting their random neighbours over and passing her to them :x Im gonna be VERY possesive this time lol.

I am glad other people have the saem fears as me...I feel completely neurotic, it is really getting me down. My in-laws keep saying 'our' baby as in belongs to the whole family instead of 'your' baby. My MIL went to the shop where we got our pram to give it a try to make sure it was the right height for her to push!!!....I think she thinks she can come round and take the baby out whenever. At this moment in time I can't ever imagine letting the child out of my sight.
She keeps telling us about her friend who has just become a grandmother and how her son lets her look after the baby all the time (even 5 days after it was born!!!) and how lovely that is.

They pass comment about all our choices for the baby and seem intent on making us feel like we are going to be incapable parents.

My SIL keeps making snotty jibes about us trying to be 'middle class parents' simply because we are going to NCT classes and want our child to eat a healthy diet!!!

I feel completely smothered, I wish we didn't live so close, my fears are really beginning to ruin my expection of my baby. :cry:

My hubby thinks I am being silly and that they are just excited and being is starting to drive a wedge between us too. i don't know what to do. :(

sorry, just realised I have competely hijacked with my rant...I just needed to vent!
Happybunny said:
My in-laws keep saying 'our' baby as in belongs to the whole family instead of 'your' baby.

I know Finn is my MILs grandson too but it really bugs me when she asks "how's my boy" (she's vile!). They also live 200 miles from us and I've stopped emailing photos to her because every time she writes back with a little snide comment like "At least I get to see him on the webcam and it takes the sting out of not seeing him" She'll get no sympathy from me! If it was up to me, I'd never see her again. However, she is my husbands mum so... :wall:

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