There are now 18 of us due in Tri 1 - Anyone new or moving on?

wonder which one of us will go xmas day am sure some one will have to x
All updated girls - lists is getting big now, come on all in the TTC room - get your BFP's and come on over X
6th december but scan on thursday so may be changed then!!
I am the 9th Dec going by an early scan but 16th Nov going on last period find out for sure next Monday at my dating scan xx
Will post my due date after my scan tomorrow :)
All updated Girls

Good luck for your scan tomorow Mrs E, so exciting for you - pics please, you know we love them!
Thank you... Ill post piccies up as soon as im home :D
Well, Doctor and online calculators say 15th December but at my booking in appointment yesterday, the midwife said the 17th December. I think the date will be a little earlier as I have a shorter cycle than average. I think I'm going to stick with the 15th until the scan...
Due date 30th November... pics will be uploaded later :)
sorry my mistake im due 25th november but dont worry about changing it until i have 20 wk scan cos they prob change it then anyways haha x
Don't forget November babies - don't forget to post "goodbye" when you leave Trimester one, and I update the list to keep it current. - Thanks
Had my dating scan yesterday and they gave me due date as 5th December - 2 weeks later than doctor 1st thought!
Hi Girls, as I ,am new into the Trimester One Group

I thought it would be nice to find out who else is in here, and perhaps due at the same times as each other? For pregnancy buddies etc :dance: I will update the list below when you reply (I know there is already a due date list on the forum, but this is more a current whos in here list!)

If your superstious and you don't wish to be added to the list,pls don't worry X
If you let us know when you are moving to Tri 2 and we will remove you from the list and say - see you soon!

Tri 1 Due Dates

Nov 22nd - Wannabepreggers
Nov 22nd - Sexyamy2005
Nov 25th - Ashtonsmum
Nov 26th - Kay126
Nov 28th - ShadowWolf
Nov 29th - Kellylou
Nov 30th - Ladymilly
Nov 30th - x_MrsE_x
Dec 4th - xxBeckyxx
Dec 6th - Wirenth
Dec 9th - xxClaire_24xx
Dec 13th - Kiki
Dec 13th - Frankie707
Dec 15th - Mdsremos
Dec 15th - Indigo
Dec 16th - Small PurpleCat
Dec 21st - Mamafy
Dec 21st - Stunned
Dec 22nd - SnappyKat
Dec 26th - Rbryan0205
Dec 29th - Mamma bella
Dec 31st - Hayels
Jan 4th - Mablestarr
Jan 12th - JJ Mum
Jan 16th - Fairydust1984

Moving onto Trimester 2

jan 5th for meeeeeeeeeeee

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