The symptoms recording thread


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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Simple really - will help us keep track of our symptoms to see how they change and see how others at the same stage as us felt at that point.

I'll start:

3 weeks and 5 days
Starting to feel a bit queasy on and off.
Boobs tender on and off.
Some mild cramps.
oooh fun heres me:

9weeks 2 days
queasy all the time
boobs KILL
sooo tired all the time

Ooh this is fun :)
7wks 4 days
- nausea in waves throughout the day
- throwing up twice a day :(
- boobs ache but mainly when not got bra on
- tired all the time

Wow we make pregnancy sound fantastic lol xx
Ha love it!!

5weeks 2days,
Hungry all the time.
Feeling occasionally sick through out the day but esspecially when brushing teeth xx
Sorry forget to mention.
Pre period pains!
None stop weeing :)
oh where to start hehe

10 weeks ( not changing my ticker till second scann confirms date)
sore boobs
nausea and vomiting all day every day
crazy tiredness
im sure theres more but too tired to think... oh baby brain hehe
7 weeks
Feeling sick
Nose bleeds
Ohh and possible UTI been to the doctors today got blood test for iron and water sample for urine xx
7ish weeks
SSSSSSSSSSooooooo sleepy!
Tender bigger boobs
and that is about it!
12 weeks

Tired at times
Full of energy at others
Sore boobies (especially nips!)
Lovely discharge!
Craving for ice mollies and cake!
looking at all these there is loads i left out of mine lol

record breaking wind ( impressive if you ask me )
plenty of...unusual CM
dizzy and cramps
Wind, burping constantly
waves of nausea (not too bad today)
feel sick when hungry
tired, no energy
hot flushes
lots of creamy CM
9 weeks 3 days

bloated and struggling to poo!
feel more tired than when not pregnant but not as tired as last week
constant sea sick feeling gone off but just bawk for no apparent reason, it sneaks up on me!
bigger boobs...slightly less tender now but starting to get little lumps round nipples...

either somthings going wrong which is why symptoms are subsiding or im just lucky
5 weeks and 2 days

Huge boobs - loving the size, not the fact they are sore...
Bit tired (but that could be me on summer hols being lazy)
Felt a little bit sicky for the first time today, but still managed to eat a fair amount!!!
God knows what is going on in my bowels - my stomach talks to me after every meal and yes, I'll admit, maybe there is a little more wind than usual (but I have a cat so I'm blaming it on him!!!)
Possibly 8+ weeks (don't know exact dates)
Waves of tiredness
Waves of nausea but no ms
Sore hollywillowboobies especially at night
Frequent trips to the loo during the night
Totally off tea, coffee and chocolate but developed love of orange juice!

Great thread!x
8 weeks 6 days
surprise retching and ninja nausea
stretchy muscle pains
constant desire to eat fruit
sore nipples
gross creamy cm

lol thats all for now i think
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9 weeks and 2 days:

constant nausea
am sick a few times a day
exhaustion- knocks me out at about half 5 every day
a little bump
period cramps
creamy cm
gone off all food- living off peas, potatoes and plain pasta, some fruit occasionally, and water
sensitive to smells
muscle pains in pelvis area
lower back pains
sore boobs
boobs grown about a cup size!
my waist has disappeared
dry skin
constipation- alternates with-
mood swings

I think thats it for now haha, not enjoying myself at the moment!! cant wait until next tri

x x x
4 weeks today

Really tired, can fall asleep anywhere
Nausea on and off
Really thirsty
Hungry, with cravings for scotch eggs and sausages with chocloate??
weeing alot
Constipation one day, diorriah the next

3 weeks and 6 days

Have woken up to feeling really sicky, back aching and just feeling generally exhausted.
Got to admit this is the best thread on here!!

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