The symptoms recording thread

Great, keep them coming. Its more use reading other peoples comments on here than the dreaded net xx
4 weeks and 5 days

Woke up full of wind :blush:
Queasy on and off all day
Tired, v.v.tired!
4wk 5 days

bbs hurt and nips sore
on and off queasiness
and twitching lower abdomen esp on a night time
oh and bloody spots grrrr!!

Very tired today
a few dizzy spells when stand up
tender boobs
bloated tummy
top of thighs achey
6weeks 3 days

constant peeing
can't stay awake longer than 3pm
nausea all day
record amounts of wind
dodgy stomach - constipation one day the next day the other!
really sore, veiny boobs with pointy nipples
very odd craving for salty things eg tuc crackers and marmite and soy sauce
twinges in muscles around c-section scar ( was told this was the muscles softening and stretching.
Back ache ( but I have arthritis so its down to that mostly!)
Isn't it odd I even made noodles with soy sauce on for breakfast the other day my OH thinks I am nuts!! lol
Well considering I had no symptoms until Friday, I seem to have made up for it.

I now have:

Banging headache all day
I feel hot all the time
Watery mouth
Nausea comes in waves
Massive boobies
General achey all over feeling
Just feeling rubbish in general

The headache is really getting me down now though :(

-queasy on and off
-sore boobs (especially when driving over humps, lol)
-loss of apetite
-sensitivity to smells
-weird taste in mouth (tastes like i have swallowed nail polish remover, not that I ever have but thats the closest thing I can think of to describe it.

Loads of symtoms so early on, i wonder what the next few weeks will bring. :eh::eh:
5 weeks 5 days

Sore nipples
light stomach twinges
weeing more
extreme bloating
Hungry all the time

5 weeks 2 days

- Aching all over , especially around lower back and stomach
- feel like it is harder to breath? tightness around chest - anyone else had this??
- really, really tired
- weeing loads
- bloated, constipated
- creamy discharge
- really sore boobies
- off food and loss of appetite (which is weird, have wanted to eat more previous 2 pregnancy s)
- feel quite sick and nauseous mornings, and late eve's.

But it s all good , cant complain, waited so long and wanted soooo much to be here!! xxx
Cool thread - 12 weeks 5 days

Sore bb's especially nipps
Exhausted so, so tired
Stretching pains in lower ab and on off mild period pains.
6 weeks and 2 days

Today less booby pain but waaaaaay more vomit like feelings.
Had to do the weekly shop and thought I was going to throw up in every aisle.
I also bought supernoodles (!!??), a sausage and onion quiche and coco pops. All things that would never normally come anywhere near my trolley!!
Ooh ladies I'm not in your position - but I love this thread , it's funny, loving some of the food combos- well done Annie
10 weeks exactly

tender boobs, was bad enough that i had to take out my piercings there and they feel a bit better since
nausea on and off so i have to eat but
lack of appetite
bloating / podgey belly
aches all over
tierd tierd tierd combined with headache, not good :(
Hot one minute then frezzing the next.
did i mention im tierd?? xx
8wks 1 day
Sickly feeling
And craving capri-sun drinks

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