The sun...


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2012
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Anyone else have babies that hate heat & the sun? What are you doing to keep cool? My little Luca hates being hot and the sun! You would never know he was part Italian lol. Looks like we're staying indoors xxxxx

tapatalking x
O isn't a fan either. He's spent the last week in just his nappy. He's averaging about 6oz water + formula. The fan is constantly blowing in whatever room he's in. He has an excuse though, he's irish. We're not made for the heat. :)
They heat makes Alfie go off his food. We keep him inside in his nappy and make sure there's a breeze. If we have been in the garden in the pool we put the big umbrella over where his pool is so it's all shaded and he gets to play in the water to keep him cool. Then he's not being stuck indoors and getting bored either. It's hard as he's very grumpy with all the heat :-( x
We've had the fan on, even put one in his room as the monitor says it's 24 degrees in there! Not been outside for 2 days, he gets very grumpy when he's warm... he cries in the car, he cries in the pram if the sun is even vaguely pointing at him! Obviously I wouldn't have him in direct sun but it's difficult to even walk to the shop lol x

tapatalking x
Fan, damp muslins, sleeping in just a nappy, not going out at the hottest time of day, lots of water and cold fruits (melon is the current fave!)

James has actually been OK, me and Daddy love the sun though!

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Even with the fan on full blast, curtains pulled in the bedroom so the sun isn't shining in, windows wide open - the room was still reading 25c. Even sleeping in a nappy he was still hot & sticky. I'm the same though, hate really hot days. I'm a big fan of spring! ;)
Aaron HATES the sun! His eyes stream terribly! I'm having a hard time getting him sunglasses because he doesn't have a bridge to his nose. He refuses to wear a hat!

I just keep him out of it, for the garden I bought a sun tent from Argos, and stuck his play mat in it. It keeps him cool and I get to sit outside - hurrah!
It's so weird, I would quite happily go abroad to these temperatures and hotter but in this country I just turn hot and miserable. I think Luca must take after me lol. The tent sounds like a good idea though! At least you can go outside without Aaron being in the sun :) babies don't really understand the heat and why they are hot and sweaty and apparently their cooling down metabolism doesn't work until they are like 3 or 4 years old... xxxxx

tapatalking x
^ I get that.

I think because you go on holiday FOR the sun, whereas here we still have to work etc. on holiday you know you're there to enjoy the heat.

Also, our heat is never really a "clean" heat. It's a sticky muggy "heavy" heat, if that makes sense.

Cay doesn't seem too fussed. He gets hot quick, but has been living and sleeping in a nappy for the last week, with frequent cool baths and frozen yogurt treats.

His daddy's Irish too... One of them stand-outside-in-a-tshirt-in-midwinter types.
I'm usually cold.

Think Cay's got a good mix, to be honest xx
I would looooove to be on holiday right now, sat by a pool (or in a pool!) With a sangria or something yummy and refreshing (and alcoholic)...

I'm usually freezing, especially my feet! Luca is a ridiculously hot baby, he doesn't even like cool baths! He screams the house down as if he is being tortured or something! I did just try the damp muslin thing and he seemed to like that though :) xxxxx

tapatalking x
E's the same and she's half Italian aswell! lol. I let E play with a damp cool muslin when she's getting a bit hot. I keep a vest on her though as I find breastfeeding her when she's only in a nappy too clammy and she's not comfortable. I also give her a quick wash in the sink a couple of times a day and a bath before bed. I have the fans on full blast all the time and the curtains are shut. I don't open the windows until the sun sets as the air outside is hotter than the air indoors. She seems to find the heat ok when I do this. I've also started giving her water.
Ladies i don't know about you but we have the fan on and back door + all the windows and there breeze is still warm!

Top tip for you freeze a bottle of water, put the frozen bottle in front of the fan....instant cool breeze :D Don't ask me how it works :/ lol

x x x
A fan on its own is just moving the air in the room around. It doesn't really cool it unless you're stood right in front of it on full.

Putting the ice in front of it gives it something cold to blow about.

The stand-alone air-con units you can get in B&Q etc have a well in the back to put cold water in. I cheat and just fill it with ice cubes. Works a treat.
This is in work though. Can't afford one at home as it costs £80(ish). Xx
It is uncomfortable to breastfeed when they have just a nappy on! And it's so hard to wind as well! I might try the water as earlier he was feeding hourly but it's just near on impossible to get him to take from a bottle.

Our house is boiling! Luca will not settle! I don't know what to do! He's bathed, fed, winded, nappy changed, put in cot and he just cries. He's letting out some almighty farts though...:-\ xxxxx

tapatalking x
E doesn't take a bottle but she doesn't mind a sippy cup. Have you tried Luca on one?
Are there any rooms in your house that are cooler than where he's sleeping? I've taken to feeding and rocking her to sleep in the cooler room and once she's asleep, popping her in her cot with the fan going round. I know at 5 months you shouldn't be rocking them to sleep, but in this heat I'll just do whatever!
I hope little Luca settles soon the poor love!xxx
I haven't tried a sippy cup, he's only just over 4 months old so I thought too young? My hv did recommend a cup with a lip that they kind of 'lap' up the milk/drink but I have no idea what she was talking about lol. I've just managed to get him to sleep, fingers crossed. Took half an hour of shushing and face stroking though! The warmer weather had a lot to answer for! Ha.

If it takes rocking your lo to sleep then that's what you need to do! It's hard enough to get the little monkey's to sleep sometimes as it is, and even harder to get them to stay asleep!


tapatalking x
O is 16 weeks & drinking from a sippy cup. Sometimes it's messy, depending on how thirsty he is! If he's thirsty he won't spill a drop though, monkey. :)
I might try one then, never hurts to try these things... I've been trying to introduce a bottle of formula / expressed milk in the evenings to see if it helps lo sleep a bit longer but he flatly refused a bottle! My naughty booby baby xxxxx

tapatalking x
Oh god, I think I know what your HV means. We had to use that with E when she was born as she lost a lot of birth weight so we had to top up with formula. To avoid bottle/breast confusion I was given this ridiculous beaker with a pourer thing you get on jugs and feed her milk with that. The milk went everywhere and of course she didn't gain the weight so I just used bottles. She was fine with bottle and breast then but now it's been so long since she's used a bottle!

I think 4 months is ok for a sippy cup. I tried E on it then and it was a massive novelty. She drank some mainly because she was fascinated by how colourful it was. She's 5 months now and drinks from it herself but gets half the contents on herself. I only give it to her when its hot as I think breast milk quenches their thirst anyway? I just worry constantly that she's not hydrated enough - it's become an obsession!

Glad he's settled!!xxx$ja=tsid:49662&cm_mmc=googlemerchantcenter-_-nmppla-_-NULL-_-NULL&gclid=COyI67KerbgCFdMQtAod33IAjQ
For lapping, maybe?$ja=tsid:49662&cm_mmc=googlemerchantcenter-_-nmppla-_-NULL-_-NULL&gclid=CNqOsM-erbgCFXLLtAodL3AApw
Sippy cup (non spill, even with shaking/throwing around)

For getting a breastfed baby to take water or baby juice or whatever, try...

Freezing it, and giving them the ice cube to play with.
Everything goes in their mouths, so they'll figure that out. It'll be messy, and most of it will trickle out again, but they'll get some benefit.


Have you got calpol or similar? Thoroughly wash and rinse the syringe they provide for giving medicine, and syringe teeny squirts of water/juice into their mouth.
Even just a syringe full (normally 5ml) every hour or so will make a big difference.
Just be sure to squirt into their cheek (at an angle). If you squirt straight in, the water will go straight down their throat and you'll have a pissed off spluttery coughy baby xx

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