The silly questions thread...

Couldn't have given a shit about my lady garden when actually in labour! I could have resembled some sort of chewbacca hybrid and really couldn't have cared less! I think I attempted some sort of scissor trimming type thing near my dd but cba after that and at the event I was way too preoccupied to care! Lol!

Tidy lady garden for birth - realistic or non realistic?! Lol!

I didn't bother waxing.

I had a trim and stuff (well I half balded myself down there as I couldn't see :lol:)

The MW's didn't bat an eyelid

Hahaha Emily! That's funny! I'm lazy when it comes to that as it is, I'm even lazy when it comes to shaving my legs :/ lol!

Lol yes carnat it's the not seeing thing that I was wondering about, id say to try and do something yourself would be quite an operation in itself lol x
Is waxing not extra sore in pregnancy? xxx

Much more painful and bled a lot with me too lol

I wanted to wax not for labour but for if I need an episiotomy and stitches etc after so they wouldn't dry shave me and so I can easily keep it clean after... However timing the waxing is such a pain and it was so painful at my first ap I've decided just to keep trying to shave because I can't put myself through that again and no point if baby is two weeks late, the hair will have mostly grown back anyway lol too stressful!
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Here's my daft question... Has anyone else had yellowish flaky stuff on their nipples or is just because I've been slapping the stretch mark cream all over my boobs?! :-)
Here's my daft question... Has anyone else had yellowish flaky stuff on their nipples or is just because I've been slapping the stretch mark cream all over my boobs?! :-)

Yup! Think it's dried milk crust hahaha or make the oil/creams/lotions etc we use but I def get it too!
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Here's my daft question... Has anyone else had yellowish flaky stuff on their nipples or is just because I've been slapping the stretch mark cream all over my boobs?! :-)

Not yellowish, but gone through phases of crusty bits, flaky bits, peeling bits, etc xx
I love this thread! Can I wear nail varnish when in labour? My friend told me they take it off you so they can see the colour of your nails?!
Hmm, I think it should be bare nails and toenails, rather than clear? I'd go without just to be sure, I can't remember why specifically it is they need your nails bare xx
Aw that's a shame- thought at least one part of my body would look nice in labour :(
I had toe nail varnish on last time- no issue!..... Its to do with the oxygen sats probe- it doesn't tend to read accurately when nail varnish is on so I figure as long as they can use a finger to get a reading there shouldn't b an issue with nail varnish on feet! They can have ear lobe ones too I think- guess it depends on the hospital! Xx
I love this thread! Can I wear nail varnish when in labour? My friend told me they take it off you so they can see the colour of your nails?!

Apparently they keep acetone in the c-sec room so they can quickly and easily remove one nail worth of varnish if need be so don't worry. I wouldn't get gels or anything done though as obv they can't easily take those off and in an emergency you don't want to be soaking for ages lol sure they do have other ways but I intend to have nail polish on (I always do) knowing they can take it off in 5 secs if need be x
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Its for a couple of reasons:

- the pulse oximeters (sats probe) can be inaccurate or not work on nails with nail varnish
- someone may need to check the nail beds for perfusion, to make sure there is enough blood and oxygen in the peripheries
- infection control is one that often gets overlooked. Hospitals are well known for bugs and germs, and yes good hand hygiene significantly reduces the risk of this, but nail varninsh and false nails harbour bacteria. One of the reasons health professionals arent allowed to wear it.

When youre in labour you wont care what colour your nails are! I looked rough after giving birth and no amount of nail varnish was going to make me feel more pretty or human!
Also, I know that some places keep nail varnish remover in theatre, but if it were me I wouldnt want somebody faffing about taking nail varnish off when its an emergency and every second counts. I would rather they did the job they are there for lol xx
I wore finger & toe nail varnish during labour, nobody ever said anything about it & I went down to theatre too (didn't end up needing a c-sect in the end, thank god) x
Also, I know that some places keep nail varnish remover in theatre, but if it were me I wouldnt want somebody faffing about taking nail varnish off when its an emergency and every second counts. I would rather they did the job they are there for lol xx

Makes absolute sense, I agree xx
I had gel nails and toes and they didn't take it off for my c section. It was French style though so Don't know if that made any difference. I had pulse monitors on etc. Xxx

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