The silly questions thread...

Can your baby over heat inside of you in this weather! - YES I did just ask this question! :-/
I wouldn't have said so lovely. Their temperature will be regulated by your internal temperature so aslong as you don't overheat (as in hyperthermic) baby should be fine. xxx
I had completely forgotten I started this thread two years ago, but makes so much sense to have one going.

I don't think baby can overheat but you are definitely more likely to. Last pregnancy there was a heatwave in May and I consumed a lifetime's worth of ice lollies in one week!! Just make sure you keep your body temperature as cool as possible (lots of shade time) and baby will be fine xx
Is the baby conceived by conception or ovulation the date my first trimester started was oct 27 so is that when babb was conceived? X
Baby is conceived following ovulation, but your pregnancy is dated from LMP (if conceived naturally). Are you confused about your dates?
If you type your lmp into a due date calculator (Dr's use that as it's the thing you're most likely to know) and you type your conception date into a due date calculator - babycentre gives you the option for both of these - you may end up getting two completely different due dates.

That's why, after your dating scan you just go with that.

My lmp due date was 24th July.

My conception due date was 2nd August.

My dating scan date was 29th July, and that's what's written in my notes.

So it all depends! Not one of them will accurately tell you when baby will be here lol. Should just have a due month really :p xx
Yes lol and I just typed my lmp in or my due date one of the two xx
I was taking my temperature so know exactly when ovulation was and felt a pinching pain which I think was baby implanting but still got three different dates Lauren! If you've had sex more than once leading up to ovulation then there's really no way of knowing precisely.

The thing the midwife uses and calculators aren't accurate as everyone has different cycle lengths and they don't allow for that (although some cycle lengths you can alter on calculators but you have to know your cycles/ovulation dates realy well and for a few months to know properly).

Babies grow pretty much the same up until 12 weeks so that's why they used your dating scan date, but if you had that later, I think you mentioned, then it may be a little less accurate.

Then even with dates, baby still arrives when it's ready and whenever he or she feels like it! x
If you time your waxings well, realistic! :)


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