The One Thing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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That you love about him, what would it be? he says its just the way i am am and i said that was cheating cos that covers too i say its the way he has to have his leg on me at night just before we fall asleep, thats sooo cute! if you HAD to pick one thing, what would it be? and why?
The fact no matter how mad i am at him, he'll manage to make me laugh. Although i hate it too! Lol. I wanna stay mad, or he'll never learn! Lol
LisaJ1986 said:
The fact no matter how mad i am at him, he'll manage to make me laugh. Although i hate it too! Lol. I wanna stay mad, or he'll never learn! Lol

ditto. mine is soo laid back and im quite not uptight but if something needs doung - do it now & enjoy the rest of the day
Mine is he makes me see sense! calms me down when im off on one, he always makes me see things for what they really are and not what im making them out to be in my head if that makes sense.... properly keeps me grounded.
LisaJ1986 said:
The fact no matter how mad i am at him, he'll manage to make me laugh. Although i hate it too! Lol. I wanna stay mad, or he'll never learn! Lol

yep ditto
I have been sitting here for 10 minutes and I ahve written about 15 different things then deleted them because I thought of something better! I have now come to the conclusion that I am going to cheat too and just say everything!!!!! I would struggle to come up with something that I didn't totally love about him! Sorry to be such a sap :roll: !
The random times he says i love you, i can be gardening in a right state, compost everywhere, or telling a story where iv done something stupid, or anything, really really random ! And he'll laugh and stop me doing it to say i love you !
one thing?
the way he never gives up. If i'm down he'll make me see that things will be ok and he'll give me hope.
the way that i always feel loved by him no matter how long it has been since he said it last.

I love that when he hugs me it feels like everything will be ok as long as he is holding me, even when things feel really bad!
I love they way he still gives me butterflies whenever he walks in the room even after 8yrs together.
I love the fact that he still calls me loads when he is at work even when he is busy, and always tells me how beautiful I am to him and how much he love me.

Hubby will randomly text me during the day, he will text things like 'Hi babe, I'm just having a poo so thought I would text to say I love you and miss you' :lol: Might be gross to others but I love that he thinks of me randomly :D
the way that he inadvertently says something soppy on the phone to me when he's at work, or uses a soppy tone of voice, then doesn't mind when all his colleagues rip the p1ss out of him for days afterwards :) :)
I'm gonna have to be dead soppy and say absolutely everything! he's my soulmate and my best friend all rolled into one
Snuggle said:
Hubby will randomly text me during the day, he will text things like 'Hi babe, I'm just having a poo so thought I would text to say I love you and miss you' :lol: Might be gross to others but I love that he thinks of me randomly :D

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

my OH does the same!!!!!!!!!
I love everything but one thing if I had too choose would be that he understands the importance that when he kisses me he has to kiss both sides of my face or one side will feel lonely, and that he kisses my forehead and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!

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