The most stupid question ever so apologies in advance...


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Is there a connection between baby being engaged and dropping? My baby is 4/5ths engaged but people keep saying that I don't look like I have dropped at all...? Is it possible for the baby to be engaged without my bump dropping? Or the other way round?
I am so sorry if it sounds incredibly stupid!:roll: xx
well i dont have a clue accually. I dont even know why bump drops? can bump drop when babys head is not engaged? i feel abit silly i dont have a clue about anything :(
As far as I'm aware baby can be engaged without bump dropping as 'dropping' or 'lightening' can happen for lots of women during labour even though baby is engaged x
Hun, don't worry, it is my second as you can see I am still just as clueless!

Helen, does that mean that engaging is more important than dropping? I mean as in engaging gets you nearer the labour that dropping? Am I making any sense?! lol. I have 1/5 to go until baby is fully engaged (unless he has done is recently) but bump is still proper up high :lol:

Pregnancy just doesn't make sense :lol: xx
Hun, don't worry, it is my second as you can see I am still just as clueless!

Helen, does that mean that engaging is more important than dropping? I mean as in engaging gets you nearer the labour that dropping? Am I making any sense?! lol. I have 1/5 to go until baby is fully engaged (unless he has done is recently) but bump is still proper up high :lol:

Pregnancy just doesn't make sense :lol: xx

i havent got a clue about the dropping/engaging but i have to agree pregnancy does not make sense sometimes!!
I think engagement is more important than dropping as engagement needs to happen for labour and birth to happen iyswim?
Well then I can hopefully ignore all the "Ohh, looks like you have plenty of time, you haven't even dropped yet" comments! :lol: Bloody people :lol: x
haha i always thought if baby was engaged it means your bump has dropped clearly not lol:)
haha i always thought if baby was engaged it means your bump has dropped clearly not lol:)

That's what I thought as the baby engaging can cause the bump to drop but sometimes baby'll engage and bump'll stay the same. I only found this out when going through my pregnancy books.
Well that is exactly what I thought as well! I was clearly so wrong. Surely when the baby moves down the bump should have been moving down with him?! Lol. Especially second time round, thought it would be low the whole time. I don't know, last time people could tell when it had dropped, this time apparently it hasn't changed... Oh well, at least he is engaged, that is one step closer to the finiiiiiish liiiiineee :wall2: x
That's exactly what I thought berit! It's so confusing x lol
Who knows Helen... As long as they will come out at some point (AND SOONER RATHER THAN LATER PLEASE!) it's all alright :lol: x

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