Stupid Question!!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Ok, this maybe a stupid question (probably is knowing me!!) :oops:

How can you tell when the baby's head is engaged? I had the midwife on thursday and she didnt mention anything, but the last few days I have been a bit sore down there - and I've started to waddle when I walk!! Also (sorry maybe to much info!!) I feel a bit swollen there after being to the loo.

Arrrrgggghhhhh - why does pregnancy have to take so many embarassing questions with it!!

S. xx
hi hun

once the babies head drops it is written in your notes, have a look, mine said free until this week when she wrote 4/5.

have a read of yours. hope this helps

Keely xxxx
i felt a presure in my pelvis and lighting around my ribs when the heads engaged
I've wondered this too.

At my last appointment they said the head was still free. I haven't got another appointment until 36 weeks now.

Ok, have convinced myself that the head is now engaged - do I need to see anyone or will baby be ok? I dont have my next appt until a week on Thursday?

S. xx
I doubt you need to see anyone as it is possible that babys head can engage and then come out again etc right up til labour. It just means that the waddling will now be here to stay and you know baby is in a good position for labour.

My little girl is head down now but still free so am not waddling too much yet!

Tan x
i wondered what the FREE ment!!!! my notes say relation to brim - free... I had no idea and kept meaning to ask the MW what all the notes mean...

mine is breech anyway... hope he/she turns soon...

what about fundal height cm??? is this the length of the baby or just my bump?

Hayley, the fundal height is from your pubic bone to the top of your bump. This is how they tell whether your the right size for the amount of weeks you are. Its approximately 1cm for each week gone but can be about 2cm either side with nothing to worry about.

And yes, the free means the head hasn't lowered into the pelvis yet. When they start putting numbers etc (3/5ths etc) they will usually put 'felt' or 'eng' that means they can feel either:

3/5th felt - 3/5ths can be felt so 2/5ths engaged
3/5ths eng - 2/5ths felt so 3/5ths engaged

Hope thats not too confusing! Any other questions, just ask!

Tan x
Thnak you!

I wish each area would you the same style notes - I have nothing in mine about brim?!?!?

All I have is blood pressure, bloods, fundal height, urine and general notes.

brim is the top of the opening of your pelvis sarah!
Tan that has completely lost me...

Do you need to be 5/5th to be able to go into labour?

Is felt and eng the same? or does felt just mean that the MW has felt the ehad and eng means that the head is now lowering? I'm so stupid about all this....

i think if baby is still breech at 37 weeks they'll refer me for a scan... i have another 6 weeks for the baby to turn - is this normal?

My notes state 30cm for fundal height and i'm 31 weeks so thats about right - got measured when i was 30+3... so my bump is going to get 10cm bigger - OMG...

I knew what brim was it just doesnt mention it anywhere in my notes!

S . xx
Your not stupid Hayley! I was really confused about it all first time and it took me ages to work out what my notes meant!


if its 4/5th eng then 4/5th's is in the pelvis so she can only feel 1/5th of the head.

if its 4/5th's felt then only 1/5th is in the pelvis and she can feel 4/5th's of the head

You don't even have to be engaged before labour because the baby can engage during labour I think although this is more common with second and subsequent pregnancies.

I don't know what happens when you're breech as ive not had that before but I think they will try and turn the baby if they can (pressing quite hard on your stomach to manipulate the position) and if thats not successful then I think they could possibly schedule a C-section. Have you tried doing what they suggest for getting the baby to turn? Try looking at this too:

Also, i've been having reflexology which I really like and she says there are things they can do to help turn the baby so you could try that although it can be quite expensive as its not available on the NHS. (I pay £35 for about an hour session)

Hope that helps. Any more questions then feel free to ask!

Tan x
I knew what brim was it just doesnt mention it anywhere in my notes!

Sorry Sarah! Didn't mean to sound patronising!

Tan x
thanks Tan - that made sense... and the web site was really interesting! i think i've got plenty of time for my baby to turn.. but it helps to know other options...

Why oh why do they have to have all these names and terms - cant they just say "oh look I can feel the head"
hayley, my baby is breech too. over here you have a scan at 30 weeks and thats when they told me! ive got to have another scan at 35 weeks and if hes still breech they will either try and turn him or will give me a c- section at 38 weeks!
id rather just go for the c- section though. my mums friend had a breech baby and she said that when they tried to turn him it was the most painful thing she'd ever felt :shock:
ive got the midwife coming on thursday though so hopefully she'll tell me hes turned, though i dont think he has! hes got a few more weeks yet though :pray:
hayley xx

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