I think I'm very lucky to have a good mother in law, I usually get on well with her and she's not interfering.

She does have her moments when she really annoys me but they're few and far between and I think they are more caused by a slight cultural difference than any malice.
Mine's really nice and never interferes or anything - I think because her parents used to interfere a lot so she's anxious not to do the same. Although when I was in labour OH's stupid bluetooth headset was in his pocket and managed to dial his parent's number so she heard me moaning and groaning in agony. :oops: :oops:
My ex's mum clearly didn't think I was good enough for her precious privately-schooled, Cambridge educated son hahaha! :rotfl:
technically i dont hav a MIL, as my boyf and i are not married and his mum died when he was 3. but my MIL figure is my boyf's dad's third wife- she is the only parent figure of his as he is estranged from his dad.

anyway, she is lovely! she reminds me of my mum and my aunties- very friendly, polite, respectable and a bit posh!

i think its much easier on me that shes not his actual mother- so she doesnt hav the stereo-typical fierce protectiveness mothers hav over their sons and natural resentment towards their DILs!

but yeah, mine is lovely :)
mine used to be lovely, I used to treat her like a mum and visa versa, but she started to take liberties of that bond, as she does not have that with her other dil

if the brothers have an arguement she tells us off or takes it out on us because she thinks she can get away with it. started to be a queen b**ch!

Came over to this country to visit her other grand child and they are expecting again( both times sister IL had got pregnant months after we announce we are) they live an hour away and she counldn't be bothered to see us, not seen our son for 1 and a half years, saw there son 4 months ago for the 1st time! The same week she came over to see them I had my 20wk scan, she didn't even ask how it was! never been to our house, we have lived together for 8 years, been to there twice.

Can we still burn people at the stake? then again it wouldn't work as shes made of ice!
Have to tell you about my ex mil :lol:

My ex was stuck in the 80's a bit, played lead guitar in a glam rock band ( of my old bands :oops: ), had a mullet, wore leather trousers etc, and was all in all a bit of a pratt. Well his mum was worse!

she was in her 60's and insisted on wearing tight pvc trousers and little boob tubes, went to all his gigs and hung out with him all the time, and basically worshipped her son as some kind of rock god, which only inflated his ego more. She was also the worlds worse hypochondriac and every conversation eventually went round to her cinus problems, back problems, sleep problems, eye problems, she was always saying "i need to see a doctor because *insert made up symptoms here*" and my ex was just as bad....he got it from her :roll:

Whenever my ex went out with the lads, I would go out with his mum and sister who would watch me like a hawk all night and if I said hello to any men I knew they were like "whos that? how do you know him?" drove me mad!

but the worse thing is, she always called me her second daughter and we got on really well despite her annoyances, then when we split up she completely ignored me! fickle :roll:
I like my OHs Mum alot, and his Dad. They've been very supportive throughout the pregnancy and really do alot to help us out - Not because they have to, but because they want to. They're really friendly and laid back people..and his Mum is a really good cook!! They have 2 sons and have never made me feel like I'm not good enough..There has been no 'Natural Resentment' thankfully. My OH gets on with my Mum and Stepdad too, so we're really lucky.
Mines lovely, she has pissed me off in the past and made comments about my parenting stephen, but its like i told her im his mother and im the reason hes such a lovely kid!

But apart from that shes fab and takes me to appointments with the kids when im desperate etc.
Mine's got a mental illness and has been really horrid lately. She had to come to stay for a week in Dec and was a nightmare. She hasnt really shown much interest in the pregnancy and is totally concerned about her own situation. She lives a 3 hour drive away though! My OH cant have a normal relationship with her, in fact he finds it hard to speak to her on the phone even! It would be nice to have a normal MIL who would help and be interested, but alas, it will never be! :(
My MIL is lovely. I don't really know her though. My hubby is Australian and all of his family live there. I've only met a few of them when I was over there visiting him and an aunt and one set of Grandparents who visited the UK.

MIL is coming over next summer for 6-8 weeks, once Baby is a couple of months old, spending half of it with us, so it'll be a good chance to get to know her better in person instead of long distance phone calls. I'm sure she'll drive me a bit bonkers but any house guest does after more than a few days :roll: :lol:
My MIL is lovely. We have a really good relationship, just like mother and daughter. My own mother died 7 years ago and she looks out for me as my own mother would.
samandbump said:
mine is really annoying, she isnt horrible just interfearing which really annoys me!! its my baby and i want to do it my way!!!!OH's sister had a baby last year and she rang her every 4hours to check she had fed the baby!!! :shock: im dreading her being anything like that with me!!!!

Sounds familiar lol :roll:

My OH mum is fine she really is. She's worked in peadiatrics and speech therapy for a long time so she knows her stuff, and she's had 3 kids.

But still, in the early days she was very interfering (she still is but not as bad now). I know if I tell her to shut up she probably would but it feels so rude so I just can't bear to. The worst was when she rang 3 times a day to ask how breastfeeding was going - you'll know from on here I didn't have it easy in the early days - and it got to the point nat told her if she mentions breastfeeding one more time she's likely to have her head bitten off by me LOL.

She really is lovely, but she is pretty interfering and thinks every noise that Ryan makes is some sort of speech or talking. It probably is, she's worked in that field for so long she knows what she's talking about, but there are some things I want to discover for myself not have him analysed 24/7 :(

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