*The London Meet 10th September*

another good idea! i don't know about other babies, but Alice loves fish!

shall we pop a poll on and see what people want to do? there is nothing stopping us all meeting up in a park, sitting around for a chat and lunch, and then people can go on to where they want to. :think:
Sam&Alice said:
ooo london zoo! not been there in YEARS!

vicki, i will see if i can get a lift to basildon station, and we can meet there. i will check closer to the date though.

Brillaint, i can meet you at basildon or i atually live at Pitsea if that any easier. I am right next to Pitsea Station.

I am loving the sound of London Zoo

:cheer: :cheer:
loving all the suggestions girls, i dont mind where we go, gonna be great day out :D :D
Riley likes fish too
although riley likes anything LOL
I would love to go to London zoo, but it's too early in the School term for me to consider taking Mason out of school for the day, he'd only have been back a few days :? I couldn't take Brody and not Mason either, it wouldn't be fair.

Have a nice time though!
i cant go
driving 250 miles yesterday was enough!! and london is even further!
Id like to come if youl have me there? Maybe we could catch the train to london together sarah????? :)
yeah deffo flossy i didnt know if ud feel up to it but we would love to have u there
i will be going to liverpool street as it is only a 15min train journey for me. london zoo is a good idea but it costs about £20 to get, so if you decide to go there i wont be able to come as that it money i just dont have.
i will be going to liverpool street as it is only a 15min train journey for me. london zoo is a good idea but it costs about £20 to get, so if you decide to go there i wont be able to come as that it money i just dont have.

Gate Price: 29th March to 29th Oct 2007
Ticket Type Price Inc. £1.50 donation
Adult (16 – 59 years)

Child (3 – 15 years)

Under 3's

Concession (Student over 16, Senior over 60, Disabled)

Saver Ticket
(2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult 3 children)
Please note that Family Tickets are not available for purchase online as they already benefit from a 10% discount.

just found this.
oh lordy i cant afford the zoo either that is alot and B birthday would only be 3 weeks away
Kimbo said:
i cant go
driving 250 miles yesterday was enough!! and london is even further!

kimbo do u know how often i have to drive to blackburn ( derwin) and im in london ! my head office is there :rotfl: and we have all our meetings up there and our xmas doo too !

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