*The London Meet 10th September*

I wish I could come but it's 2 days after my birthday :( and I have some anxiety problems at the moment :cry: maybe next time though! I better see some fab pictures though!
tracey pm'd you!

PP big hugs to you hun; if you change your mind it'd be great to see you.

Beckss hope you can come along :hug: :hug:
heu girls dont know if i can go now or not
tracey can u text me wit all the up to date info n ill let u know if i can get there
if not all have fun
sarah, you will be coming hun il will physically get train down to you or you can come and stay with me night before and we can come down together this wont be a proper meet without you there, il talk to you later hun. :hug: :hug:
becksss do you know if you can come yet.

sarah how about you are you comming.

my thing is at 4pm 2day
but i do have a strong feeling college starts around that date as its all back to school etc
yeah everybodys comming we will have to arange meeting times and places as its not long now.
yeah course hun ill have to look into how long it takes from there and sort out wot time we will meet etc
well as far as i know im meeting tina&gab before as we live just round the corner from each other so we are travelling down together.

sarah. just to warn you keep your phone on cos il be ringing saying im lost knowing me!

Im so looking forward to meeting you all in 8 days!!!!! :hug: :hug:
Im hoping i can still make it im having trouble finding out how much the train fair will be though? :think:
i dont know if i am 100% right but i think itll be about £40 candy but try national rail

and will do tracey as u will end up helping us hehe

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