The Cord!!!!!

My DH didn't get the opportunity with our first but wasn't sure he would have wanted to anyway, but with the 2nd he was asked and I think was so carried away in the moment he just said yes and did it. If you get asked it would be after the cord has been cut by the midwife/consultant, it's just to shorten it (well it was with us). You won't be the forst bloke to not want to do it but it's very different when the baby is there and crying and healthy and you may just find you get carried away with it all like my DH did.
My ex was at the birth of our daughter and he like you thought that he would feel squeemish about cutting the cord so i put in my birth plan to ask him.
When the time came and he was asked if he wanted to do it he did and it was one simple snip and it was done he said he did it as he had felt useless during the labor and wanted to do something for his daughter.

As others have said giving birth is a lovely experience to be involved in but is rather gross at time
My hubby thought he might be a bit squeemish but he did it with our first. He said it was quite hard and grissly (just to prepare you!!) but he wasn't even asked with the next 2. Believe me there's so much going on and you'll have so much going through your mind, just go with it, enjoy the moment and if you don't do it, nothing to worry about.
Maybe watch some programs about birth to prepare you for all the goo etc beforehand.
Attacking you? ... not my style, you came here for opinions, in light of your posts, and the image you portray of yourself I thought this very caring and intuitive advice,
Attacking you? ... not my style, you came here for opinions, in light of your posts, and the image you portray of yourself I thought this very caring and intuitive advice,

What image do i portray of myself pollyp?
I just want to assure you that any advice I post here on this forum is given from the heart, I am not the type of person who would intentionally hurt another, your first post regarding the internal exam shocked me a bit to say the least and I started to believe that you were someone out trying to get a bad reaction by posting something outrageous but on reflection you seem to be genuine and if this is the case then I apologise for not handling my answers more sensitively, I wish you and your lady well and hope that she has a happy and healthy pregnancy, and you get the answers you are looking for,

Polly :)
My OH didn't cut our 1st babies cord. He's screamish too but with our 2nd I said you won't get the chance again cos we're not having anymore children so he did it and he said it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be
My Hubby was going to cut the cord but didnt get the chance in the end as baby was born rather dramatically via failed ventouse and eventually NB Forcepts, blue and needing urgent assistance maybe next time he will get the chance,
my LO's birth was quite hectic too so they just cut the cord to sort him out but then called OH and asked him if he wanted to cut the rest off :lol:I coudnt see what was going on over there anyway but he did it. I think just see at the time. You might be totally overwhelmed with the whole thing and want to do it or you might be more keen to just get a cuddle in with your baby and pass him or her to the mummy that you'll feel so proud of. They always ask anyway, and I dont think anyone would assume you'd do it so I wouldnt worry.
Tiny well done with s/w -1lb I'm not currently a member but have been in the past I personally think the plan makes complete health sense and it's so tasty too, if you ever get stuck for recipes give me a shout! X
Hey if you're squeemish, you're squeemish, not much you can do about it. My OH has said he wants to cut the cord so it's in my birth plan but I certainly won't judge him if he changes his mind at the last minute!! I'd much rather he stayed comfortable/relaxed as possible during the birth so that he can be there to support me and our Son rather than standing there worried about something thats quite small in comparison to bring up a baby/child.

At the end of the day we don't know the hospital staff when we go into hospital and we probably won't ever see them again unless we have more babies and see the same people so who cares if they judge you and TBH do you really think they'll be bothered about who cuts the cord?, they deliver baby after baby so they'll just move onto the next birth (even though their job must be amazing :) )

I wouldn't worry about it hun, if you really don't want to do it then don't, your baby certainly won't judge you and thats the most important thing! x
At the end of the day we don't know the hospital staff when we go into hospital and we probably won't ever see them again unless we have more babies and see the same people so who cares if they judge you and TBH do you really think they'll be bothered about who cuts the cord?, they deliver baby after baby so they'll just move onto the next birth (even though their job must be amazing :) )

I think youre right. Thinking about it, they probably only ask cos they dont want to take away the chance from someone who really reallly wants to do it. Its probably easier for them if they can just get on with it themselves.
At the end of the day we don't know the hospital staff when we go into hospital and we probably won't ever see them again unless we have more babies and see the same people so who cares if they judge you and TBH do you really think they'll be bothered about who cuts the cord?, they deliver baby after baby so they'll just move onto the next birth (even though their job must be amazing :) )

I think youre right. Thinking about it, they probably only ask cos they dont want to take away the chance from someone who really reallly wants to do it. Its probably easier for them if they can just get on with it themselves.

I agree with that, so if i tell them in advance (if i dont want to do it), then i wont be wasting anyones time, the last thing i would want to do is to hesitate coz its wasting valuble time.

Thanks for that
My OH isn't sure at the moment. I think that's normal though.
I also want a water birth and he doesn't really know what to think about that either, I've said if I'm lucky enough to have one, would he join me in the water and again he's not sure. I think he'll feel differently as the pregnancy progress because at the moment he just feels like a spare part and wants to do as much as he can for me but doesn't know what to do. I think he feels a bit left out and things that he could be involved in when I go into labour he seems a bit iffy about but as the pregnancy progesses I'm sure he'll get more and more actively involved even if it's just sitting singing and playing his guitar (he's really good) and even sitting with my feeling kicks and stuff. At the moment, I can feel them and I try to explain what's happening and how it feels but he just sits there and feels my tummy too with this huge grin hoping to feel it with me but he never has yet and then tries to look optimistic but I can see he feels a bit left out at the moment.
I'm sure as time goes by you'll feel better about it all and cope with it really well and surprise yourself.
Good luck and we're here to answer as many questions as you have :) xx
My ex didn't want to either with my first so don't worry. He was a bit squeamish too I think so don't feel bad. Just cos your male doesn't mean you're not allowed to be squeamish or have things bother you. Girls have problems with their chaps going to the doctors and having a nurse look at their nuts and also men can be sqeamish too so I don't think you are asking anything wrong. Don't feel bad at least you are talking about it and asking for advice. At least you are showing an interest in everything and shows you are by joining a forum and talking about anxieties. Some blokes don't at all. At the end of the day you will know at the time if you want to cut the cord. Some things you can't decide til you are going through it. :) You'll be fine and your fiancee should be pleased that you are taking an interest rather than running away from issues. xxx
:) You'll be fine and your fiancee should be pleased that you are taking an interest rather than running away from issues. xxx

very true, I know a lot of the ladies on here feel like they need a cattle prod to get any kind of response from their men :) especially early on! things change a lot as the pregnancy progresses, the way your finace feels will improve, her emotions and energy levels will be up and when you feel and see you own child wriggling in her bump its out of this world :dance:
At the end of the day we don't know the hospital staff when we go into hospital and we probably won't ever see them again unless we have more babies and see the same people so who cares if they judge you and TBH do you really think they'll be bothered about who cuts the cord?, they deliver baby after baby so they'll just move onto the next birth (even though their job must be amazing :) )

I think youre right. Thinking about it, they probably only ask cos they dont want to take away the chance from someone who really reallly wants to do it. Its probably easier for them if they can just get on with it themselves.

I agree with that, so if i tell them in advance (if i dont want to do it), then i wont be wasting anyones time, the last thing i would want to do is to hesitate coz its wasting valuble time.

Thanks for that

Yep tell them when you first get to hospital and I bet they say 'ok, no worries'! They'll be too busy checking your new baby over and they'll be glad you told them you don't want to do it rather than like you say, hesitating when they have to do what they need to do x
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It's down to personal choice. If u don't want to do it then don't. No one will judge you. But I do agree that maybe some childbirth dvd's or watching on YouTube may help prepare you for the actual event.
I don't think you're being silly, I just think that when the time comes it will be the LAST thing on your mind x There will be a lot of other stuff going on, like you meeting your new baby!

My OH is very VERY squeamish. To the point that the mere mention of blood makes him feel sick/dizzy. I'm concerned about him being at the actual birth/after...However, my dad has assured him that once his baby is here, most of the yuck wont even matter, and he wont have room/time to feel squeamish.

My OH was worried about cutting the cord, and I told him that if I've just had to push a watermelon sized baby out a grape sized hole...he can shut his eyes and cut the cord lol :lol: x :blush: x

Serisouly though, if he really didn't want to do it, it's not a big deal x

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