The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

any news from missj???? when was her af due? come on hunny we r dying here lol xxx

Loopy i think we are round about the same with our pregnancies!! and thats ridiculous having scan at 19 having mine on 8th jan which is wen il be exactly 12 weeks....get on to them and kick up a fuss i would xxx
MissJ just caught up on this, it's looking so good!! Keeping everything crossed this is it for you, I have a funny feeling it is xx
I'm here...I've peed...done a cheapie, just letting it develop. Can't decide whether to use my digi now or wait til tomorrow! X

Don't ask us lot MissJ lol you know we'll have you doing it right now lol xx
I'm just going to do it. If it's negative then that's ok cos af isn't here and payday is Thursday so I'll just get another test then. If it's positive then I'll be bouncing off the walls! X

You've dunked the digi??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the edge of my seat!!!!

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of for gods sake :-( grrrrr miss j!!! What did your cheapie look like? x
Not sure about the cheapie yet, going to give it a few more minutes x

Your joking me missj!!! Omg I didn't expect that and now feel so bad for pushing you to do it what about other test?? Your nt out missj I no it
Still got high hopes for you MissJ, your not out yet x

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