The Clomid Thread - 6 BFP's!

hey girls .... so yest i had a neg opk but today my temp has dipped significantly...heres the link do you think today is my ov day or not? we bd'd last night but i dont wanna miss the boat by not bding tonight if it looks like i am oving and opk was wrong
thanks xx
I'm not sure hun as I don't temp but all I can suggest is BD anyway just in case. :) x

I'm cd11 and feeling some mild cramping on my left side, ov test looked good so am hoping for early ov this cycle! X

Tap Tap Tapatalking!
hey ladies this post is gonna contain tmi so I apologise in advance.

I started spotting this morning about 11am. I usually spot on cd31 and its usually just old blood with the occasional fresh blood towards the end of the day. well this cycle is different and I'm wondering is it because of the clomid.

I've just got back from town and I'm bleeding fairly heavy, red thick blood and I just passed a clot the size of a penny! I usually pass clots but only little tiny things.

has any1 ever experienced this? don't wanna be ringing the doc if its all to be expected. x x x
Hey hun, my last AF on clomid was horrendous!! So so so heavy and painful and lasted 9 days. Spoke to my consultant about it as it was unusual for me and he said that its just the clomid making changes to your cycles. If it gets too bad phone your gp or consultant but it sounds like the AF i had too xxx
Thanks nicky.

It's absolutely killing me on one side, my left. I've just taken some painkillers and I'm running a hot bath as I type this hopefully that will help.

I hope this clomid works. The crap we have to endure, sometimes I wish I was a man! Lol x
Oh I know my cycles were so different on the clomid - first one only lasted 2 days and the second one was absolute hell!!

Tmi here but I was struggling with super pads and tampons were a no-no!! X
Lol thanks nicky. You cheered my with that comment. Luckly I always have a stock pile of all different pads and tampon strengths. I'm hoping I don't have to pull out the big boys (super strong night pads) there like bricks!

If it gets any heavier I don't think a tampon will help. It would be like throwing a tampon in the use what's so ever!

X x x
Thanks nicky.

It's absolutely killing me on one side, my left. I've just taken some painkillers and I'm running a hot bath as I type this hopefully that will help.

I hope this clomid works. The crap we have to endure, sometimes I wish I was a man! Lol x

Sorry to hear you are having a rough time Emma!

My last af on clomid was so light, it only lasted 1 1/2 days !!
Now this cycle she is late and I have never been late, only 1 day as due yesterday, but no sign so far so nearly 2 days late and that never ever happens to me!!

So who has a bfp ?? its been changed to 5 but cant see LTTC in bfp announcements? x
I'm really good thank you! Off work now till the 1st of September and my 20 weeks scan is booked for the 9th October!! We also bought our pram yesterday and Chris couldn't wait to set it all up last night! So it's ready and waiting!!! Hope the next few months fly by! X
ahh thats nice xx yes im good thanks, just waiting for af to arrive!!!
she is taking her time, so leaving me , with the, could i be pg, shy bfp head spin as usual!!! xx
Hey corrinne, I have everything crossed that its a shy bfp!! I shall be stalking you now!

I'm feeling loads better already. I have had pain killers, the bath is on hold as my OH has come home we've had cuddles and he's now cooking fajitas for tea followed by raspberry cheesecake. Bless him.

Aww nicky i bet your so excited!! Is it wrong that i often look at prams online! I never had a lot of money the first time round so had to get a basic pram...this time im going all out!! Lol x x x
nooo i started looking at them before we'd even started ttc!! I posted pics of the one we got in the first time ever pregnant thread so have a look if you want xxx
glad your feeling better emma!! thanks for well wishes. im not convinced just confused\!!!!

do we know who the 5th bfp is yet? xx
Had my 21 day bloods back today ..... they said my progesterone is 150 !! The nurse was laughing saying it was really higher than they expected ?? What does it mean that its so high ?? Or is she just over reacting ??? Im all confused xxxx
Had my 21 day bloods back today ..... they said my progesterone is 150 !! The nurse was laughing saying it was really higher than they expected ?? What does it mean that its so high ?? Or is she just over reacting ??? Im all confused xxxx

Whatttt, I was amazed by mine being 74, but 150 wowwee!! What day is it for you today? I'm cd24 xxxx

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