The birth of Willow Anne Joyce Travers


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2011
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Hi all, well my labour story isnt a long one and pretty pleasant so here goes.

At 5am on Thursday the 5th I woke up having contractions I started timing them and eventually at 2am on the Friday we went to the hospital.

I got checked over with a midwife and found I was only 2cm dilated, I had the option whether or not to stay or go home but my OH would have to leave. I decided I'd stay as I was in pain. The midwife took me to the ward but after about 10 minutes I kept having the sensation I needed the loo. It got to the point I couldn't sit down without this feeling, I eventually said to the midwife who just looked at me and said okay let's get you to bed ( the fact I kept telling her I couldn't lie down or sit didn't matter) anyways she decided okay let's have a check an found I was 7cm and needed to go to the labour ward, apparently it was the baby coming not the toilet lol.

I quickly called my OH and told him to hurry up and get here.
They got me a wheelchair and took me downstairs, by the time I got there I was 9cm, id gone that quick the room wasn't even ready.

My waters broke and just as the baby was coming my OH arrived thank god. I had no time for an epidural so had gas and air. The midwife talked me through it and pretty much 3 big pushes later willow was here :) they classed my full labour as 3 hours long.

The actual contractions where the worst but the actual birth was actually okay I'd do that again, just hopefully I'd have the same experience.

Willow was Born at 5.32 am and weighed 6lbs 12 and she has the darkest thickest hair I've ever seen on a baby haha
Aw lovely story xxx I love her name too!!!
Aww I love a quick birth story, makes me less scared of whats in store for me lol.

Congratulations Hun n a gorgeous name for a lil girl x
amazing birth....well done you xx

was this your first? lovely name too xx
Wow what an amazing birth story! I love quick ones as they make me feel calmer about the impending event lol! Congrats hon! xxxxx
Aww congratulations u made birth snd easy peasy!! I hope mines like that x
Thanks everyone, and yea this is my first baby :) I think remembering to stay calm and my breathing techniques really helped. Xxxx
That's amazing! You progressed very well! :hugs:

Congratulations, beautiful name :love:
Congratulations to you was super quick hope mines the same X
Thanks everyone, and yea this is my first baby :) I think remembering to stay calm and my breathing techniques really helped. Xxxx

did you listen to any hypnobirthing cds or anything? x
Samsgirl - nope nothing. I went to my antenatal class which told you about breathing and when I was in pain and just tried my best to focus on it and walk around till it passed, I sang too, just to get by. I'm not saying it took the pain away hell no but I feel it helped me keep my cool. Oh and listen to the midwife when she's delivering your baby, if she says don't push, try quick panting instead.

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