Proud Mum Moment!


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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I am so amazed, daily, at how much Niamh is changing and growing up. It just blows me away! She has her own little character, knows what she wants, asks for things, comes to me when she wants cuddles, etc. It's amazing!

So my proud Mum bit is that she is talking quite a bit now, and I think has a good vocab for 12 months. She says...

Ellie (her elephant)
Rhu (our dog)
Ou! (meaning out!, usually to tell Rhu to go away!)
'Ah ah' (tells people off, while waggling her index finger)
Baa Baa (when she wants me to sing black sheep)

and cutest of all, she loves 'row, row row your boat', so she will sit down, rock back and forth and sing 'row row row bo' and then reach for my hands :cloud9: Another song she asks for by trying to do the hand movement, but hasn't got it quite right yet!

She isn't walking yet, and I don't think she will for awhile. She definitely seems to be in the 'talker', rather than 'walker' camp!

Just wondering though, where is their off button?! :lol:
How sweet! :cloud9: That is brilliant for a 12 month old! :) You must be very very proud.. As for the on off button, if you find out where it is let me know :lol: My nephew has been on full power for months now :lol:
Awwwwww, I wish I knew where the off button was, especially at 6 in the morning :doh:
Oh definitely, especially when OH put Nim in bed with me at 7am and she was smacking my face shouting 'mama....mama.....MAMA' :lol:
We get 'Mummy waken up', then lil miss has a habit of bouncing on you going 'boing' :rofl:
I only read this thread cos I thought it was going to be a gooey one about hopw wonderful all ur kids are... not about them waking u ap at uneartly hours and bouncing on u... how on earth do they change so rapidly :lol:
sounds like she's doing so fab hun!! i love how they love row row row! katie's discovered how to rock herself, so sits there going row row row and rocking!

i'd love to find the off switch too, she got a lion king book for xmas and sits there roaring at it all day now :roll:
Clever Nim. They just seem to start all of a sudden and never stop! We seem to be getting a new word every week now. Over Christmas 'doggie' has changed to 'woof' and she points to the tree and says 'treeee'. Anything round with a stalk is an 'appoooole'. But will she walk - will she knickers! :lol:
Wow she says loads for 12 months! :cloud9:

Row row row was one of the first things Sam said too :rofl:
Clever Nim. They just seem to start all of a sudden and never stop! We seem to be getting a new word every week now. Over Christmas 'doggie' has changed to 'woof' and she points to the tree and says 'treeee'. Anything round with a stalk is an 'appoooole'. But will she walk - will she knickers! :lol:

Everything vaguely apple-like was an apple around here for months too :lol:
sounds like she's doing so fab hun!! i love how they love row row row! katie's discovered how to rock herself, so sits there going row row row and rocking!

i'd love to find the off switch too, she got a lion king book for xmas and sits there roaring at it all day now :roll:

:rofl: Roaring sounds so cute!

Nim miaows at cats. No idea how she figured that one out, we don't have a cat.
aww :yay: well done Nim :D
i love new words, they amaze me :cloud9: we now have 3 word 'sentences' where she tells me what she wants, i'm constantly in awe!
Nim miaows at cats. No idea how she figured that one out, we don't have a cat.



Wish Jack would say something I can't wait, he'd rather be pulling himself up at the furniture and taking plugs out of the sockets

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