The 'Afterbirth'


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2006
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After delivering your baby, I understand that you have to de;iver the placenta.

How soon do you have to deliver the placenta and does it hurt or feel funny?

Also, how long do they take the baby from you providing everything is perfect?
The placenta will usually come natrually within half an hour. But you can have an injection to speed it up and then it will usually be delivered in the next 10 minutes after birth. This injection also helps prevent excessive bleeding and hemmoraging (sp?). From what i have been told it dosnt really hurt, you just start getting small contractions again as it is being delivered if you choose to deliver it natrually. Or if you have the injection it shouldnt hurt at all. (i beileve most people have the injection, but some dont have it because they worry about it effecting their baby in any way which is highly unlikely) it is put in your thigh during labour and you dont usually notice it whilst concentrating on delivering your baby.

Obviously dont quote me as i have never done it before. :)

Cas xx
more contractions :shock:

oh lord... but ur due waayyyyyy before me.. im assuming ull be at rbh.. so lemme know how they treat you and if the food is good
The injection can make you feel a bit sick, but if you just want it over with I'd say have it.
I barely noticed the placenta as you only have eyes for your baby anyway.
Yep il be at RBH from what i have heard they are really good, but knowing my luck il end up with someone horrible lol
I didn't notice any more contractions when I delivered the placenta, just this weird feeling like a big fat liver balloon was coming out :puke: Felt strange but it didn't hurt. I was going to deliver it naturally but they asked if they could give me that jab because of the tearing/bleeding.
I don't recall having the injection but i must of done. With Jess the were asking me to push it out but i couldn't really be bothered so they pulled it out. With Aimee the they were pulling on the cord to get it out and the cord snapped of and a doctor had to get it out. Doesn't really hurt much!
As for the baby, if all is well they handed her straight to me, then took her off later to weigh and dress her. She was never gone long. Jess was taken straight off as she had opened her bowels before she was born and they had to clean her mouth out. Didn't take to long.
I had the injection. The midwife just gently pulled on the cord & out it popped. It didn't hurt at all, I was half expecting it too but didn't feel a thing.

To me it felt like huge weight had been lifted off my tummy, it felt nice in a weird kinda way :shock:
they give you the injection straight away as soon as they cut the dont notice coz your too busy looking at your baby as urchin said!
my afterbirth came about five mins later..i didnt have any contractions the midwife just presses on your belly to make sure its all coming away..she pulled it out and i didnt feel it..its just soft so doesnt hurt! its nothing..coz i was looking at hayden so i barely even noticed!

nothing to be worried about coz you've just done the hard part!!! lol
cassi said:
The placenta will usually come natrually within half an hour. But you can have an injection to speed it up and then it will usually be delivered in the next 10 minutes after birth. This injection also helps prevent excessive bleeding and hemmoraging (sp?). From what i have been told it dosnt really hurt, you just start getting small contractions again as it is being delivered if you choose to deliver it natrually. Or if you have the injection it shouldnt hurt at all. (i beileve most people have the injection, but some dont have it because they worry about it effecting their baby in any way which is highly unlikely) it is put in your thigh during labour and you dont usually notice it whilst concentrating on delivering your baby.

Obviously dont quote me as i have never done it before. :)

Cas xx

they gave me an injection in my bum after they cut the cord..dunno about injection during labour..i dont think they do that anymore!
I can't remember having the injection, just asked OH and he can't remeber me having it either.
It didnt hurt at all just kinda like a pressure being released, i delivered whilst still cuddling Jack, she cleaned his airways whilst i was holding hima nd only took him away for a couple of minutes as every thingwas ok

Emily was taken out of the room for quite a while(about 10 mins) as she wasn't breathing right, but i barely noticed as i was so out of it on drugs!!! (was told afterwards)
I was still numb from the epidural so I didn't notice the injection going in (I know I did have one though), but I do know it made me throw up lots.

ETA: I was still feeling nauseous from the pethidine I'd had earlier which had made me throw up, so the injection for the placenta just added to that and I threw up again lots. It didn't help the nausea one bit!
fran_23 said:
they gave me an injection in my bum after they cut the cord..dunno about injection during labour..i dont think they do that anymore!

Was that the anti D?

Placenta, can echo what others have said, you dont notice it as you've got eyes on bubs.
Im really anxious about having this injection as I have a real phobia of being sick!!

Can you choose to NOT to have the injection? What are the risks if you dont have it???
no i didnt need anti-d thats just if you and your baby have a different blood type you have anti-d to stop them reacting if blood crosses the placenta coz it can be harmful to you and your baby if you get different blood in your stream or bubbas stream.

it was an injection to speed up the delivery of the afterbirth.
I am very scared of any injections during childbirth. Its because my sister was given an injection in her thigh improperly and she almost ended up loosing her entire leg, all the way to her waste!

My poor sister just wanted to have her first and only child 5 years ago. The entire birthing went well, but the doctors and nurses seemed stressed. My sister had to be rushed back to hospital the same day she left because the nurse had injected the medicine into her muscle and it started to kill off her whole thigh muscle to the bone. Her whole thigh turned black and hard as a rock. The following week the surgeons had to open her leg and let it drain for 5 days! She was in agony for a whole year after that horrible incident. Numerous surgeries had to be performed on her leg to save it. Now her thigh looks like a war zone and its left dented where they had to remove most of her thigh muscle.

So unless you need any injections, I would try to avoid it. The midwives and doctors should know what they are doing though. I just don't want anyone to get stressed out during my labour. They should be trained to deal with the trauma though, and not screw up on injections etc.

My sister found out later that if the doctors had originally consulted a plastic surgeon, all they needed to do initially was a hot then cold compress on her leg. Could have saved her all that trauma! Unfortunately medical malpractice happens. My sister was compensated over £100,000 and deserves a lot more for her suffering.
I think what happend to your sister is a very extreme and rare case. And shouldnt be used as a guide to whether or not to have this injection. I would say speak to your midwife, normally if you delivered your baby fine and your contractions are still good you can just deliever the placenta naturally it just takes a little longer. If however your contractions have been weak or have slowed after delivery you may need the injection as a little extra help, or if it doesnt seem to be coming away properly, if it helps prevent hemmoraging that can be fatal to you, I think that is the most important thing, as losing a leg isnt as bad as dying!

If you have a phobia of being sick or needles dont worry, I am terrified of being sick too, and bloody hate needles. But to be honest with you, when everything is going on you dont realise and you dont care. I was stuck with loads of needles! its like the fear of pooing during labour, I honestly dont know if I did or not and dident care.These things are not even thoughts in your head at the time, your just running on adrenaline and excitment, and all these little worries just fall by the wayside.

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