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~Thank a member~

I'd like to thank everyone that has given me much needed advice throughout pregnancy and especially since Connie was born as otherwise I would have been a nervous wreck looking after a baby and you've all given me great advice and the confidence to know I'm doing things right. :D .

And thanks for all of you giving me a laugh during the day as it's lonely being at home on your own all day so pop on here to feel in contact with the world and giggle at some of the posts, it really really helped in the last weeks of pregnancy when I was the size of a house and couldn't get out much.
awww soppy thread time !!!

thanks to debbiem and matt for being totally awsome pair , best pregnancy twin i coulda asked for and hopefully long life friends if they'll have me !

purple13 , your amazing company chick and your lil man is just adorable thanks for being there

urchin , for making the effort to meet me in brummy !

to maria , urchin , elaine , miss laurie , charlie84 for donating prizes for lelands raffle

thanks to everyone for there support and raffle ticket buying / donations over the last few months for lelands appeal , youve been amazing through all this !
PLus all the support you gave me when i was in hospital for a month too !

debbecca , for making me see i need help when she's going through it so bad herself xx

happychick , for keeping me company so often on msn !

becs, fothers , fingercrossed for being my old charting buddies !

and just to everyone on the forum for being awsome :D
Id like to say a big huge thank you to Joanne ISTTIMEMUM she has been a tower of strenth for me when ive been down and the best friend a Lass could ask for
Also Suzie my wondeful Text buddie your a great mate and i love ya
BeckyJ for being a great pal in the tris

Sarah lj for putting up with me ranting and raving moaning and whining on msn :rotfl:
And Tracey for being one of the sweetest lovelies women in the world

Oh so many to thank
Babyroo, Teej, Becky, Tadpole, Fifi211, Lauranjamesnbaby, Sarah2807, Sarafet, Lisa1986 for your constant support and loveyl words of encouragement even when they dont know what to say they give hugs :hug:

xKirstyx for showing me im not alone :hug:
Trixipaws Sylivie and AnnaR2B Morganuk for being lovely in my posts
Sarah H, Flossy ( Candy), Mel & Bean and all the ladies i speak to on msn and Lulubelle and Emma for our late night chats

There are so many more
thank you to you all who have shown me true friendship your wonderful 8)
HideiLu said:
claireyfairey said:
What a lovely idea for a thread! I want to thanks everyone here who's offered me advice throughout my pregnancy - dont know what I would have done without this place, seriously! In particular I want to thank:

HideiLu (have I spelt that right? :think: )

For all being there for me in a huge way - you were all in tri 2 when I joined and I feel all of you have helped me enjoy this pregnancy as much as I have. You're a brilliant bunch of girls with an ability to make me laugh so much and to be so kind and caring. I will always think of you all when I think back on my pregnancy, and that means a lot....so thanks for being there!!! And congratulations on your little ones - I'm completely jealous and in awe - you've all produced such stunning babies!!! :o

C xxx
Aww bless ya :hug: Now hurry up and pop out a gorgeous bubba of your own...I'm not gonna wait forever you know :shakehead:

You're welcome poppet :hug: :hug: :hug:

And I've had words with the little scamp and she's not coming out just yet :wall: Girls eh?!

C xxx
purple13 said:
for general all-round good-egg-ness ( :D ) i'd like to thank debbie & matt, urchin, kelsey, maria1976, fran_23, littlepip & xena

aww thanks hun :D
Snuggle for being there when I was first diagnosed with PND. She took the time to offer me advice and helped me through the dark days.
Saffydreamer because if she knows I've had a bad night with Summer or am struggling she always asks me if I am ok and gives me advice.
Id also like to thank
Laniey for the teething necklace
Happy chick for her breastfeeding advice in chat
A&J for keeping my spirtis up with her funny facebook appliations and sweet words to me
Clairefairey for her lovely comments to me :hug: and thanks for mentioning me :hug:
And muppetmummy also for her support :hug:
Vickyleigh said:
Snuggle for being there when I was first diagnosed with PND. She took the time to offer me advice and helped me through the dark days.
Saffydreamer because if she knows I've had a bad night with Summer or am struggling she always asks me if I am ok and gives me advice.

Oh poo, I forgot to mention you babes :oops: You helped me through my PND days too and always check in to see how I am, big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
HideiLu for being the BEST PF mate anyone could wish for & for all the lovely gifts, cards, and just being there whenever I needed her! Oh and for being the best text buddy in PF history (I'm sure you'll all agree she was flippin' amazing!!!)

Sharne AKA steelgoddess for being so understanding and a brilliant friend during my pregnancy.

Lea M for always having an open ear for my winges & for having me in stitches all the time!

My 3rd tri buddies (I apologise if I miss anyone!) Clairey_Fairey, aramintalovegrove, spacehopper, nickilubs, Laura23Yrs, Redshoes, jollypops, mandspice, MissSara, Tadpole, MrsJay, JoAnn&Aimee, FirstBabyWhite, Hazel, ASD123456, Clare (abcd), lauranjamesnbaby, Mildly, claire2711, ally1979, bagpuss, Ani, Fly, Little Bump

CharlotteHeyes for being such a damn sweetie. I'd love to give you a big hug for being so lovely.

Berit for being so thoughtful by PMing me to see how me & Evie are doing when she thinks of us (bless you!)

MagicMarkers for just being fooking hilarious!!

Fran for always answering my moans in Relationships with great advice.

purple13, Valentine, beatlesfan, Happy_Chick, squiglet and so many more for all the breastfeeding support.

jennywren for our PM chats.

MissLarue for the fab baby name book.

Someone sent me doppler gel once, that was so kind of the lovely lady but I forgot who it was :oops:

Urchin for scaring me everytime you reply to my posts :rotfl: I always think I'm going to get told off!! :oops:

Morganuk for putting so much effort into your beautiful, encouraging and colourful replies!

CH0C0HOLIC for asking after me via lea m when she couldn’t get online! (Bless you)

LisaJ1986 for your advice and support in Ask A Mum.

I can't remember her name (might be Maria?!) but I've ordered a Mei Tei wrap from her and I'm SOOOO excited I can't wait lol!! Thank you!

Thank you ***ALL*** for just being fabulous... x
im not sure where to start really, but i love you all for everything you have all done for me just being there,

to sarah H- for being my best mate on here always being here even the middle of the night your one in a million, :hug: :hug:

sarah(geordie)- for being a lovely lady and meeting up loads with me and not getting fed up with me and being a yummy mummy :hug: :hug:

sarahlj- for all our phone calls and msn chats you are so lovely and so wonderful to finally meet you today :hug: :hug:

mislaure (jo)- need i say anything my rock you are hun thank you for everyting and lovely chats and support,

also thanks to happy chick, trixipaws, sweetcheecks, dannii, steelgodess, purple13, lisaj1986, neeko, snuggle, rhian, flossy, mel&bean,

there are so many more names and id go on forever here so you all know who you are,

and a special thanks to all the mods and the wonderful job they do for our forum and keeping it running :hug: :hug:
tracey 2 said:
to sarah H- for being my best mate on here always being here even the middle of the night your one in a million, :hug: :hug:

You big smelly poo.... you made me cry reading that!! I love ya loads hun!!! Big hugs!!
Geordie&Bairn said:
And muppetmummy also for her support :hug:

Thanks hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'd also like to thank Suzie&faith for the georgous flowers she sent me on my birthday :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks to Georgie&Bairn, Tracey2 and Dannii87 for your words. Didn't think i'd see my name pop up to be honest.

G&B-You always make me feel like i have a friend. Just when i'm starting to get a bit down about it, you say something to make me feel better, even when i never even said anything!

Tracey-You always text me. No matter how down you are, you are a wonderful person and have so much strength! I hope i get to meet you one day.

Dannii- You kept me glued to the laptop around your due date, and have such a beautiful little girl. You must be so proud! You will do a fantastic job with her and give her all the love she'll ever need. You also have a lot of strength, i read it all in the Parents sections.

Also to Minxie for your lovely, very long letters. I feel so important when the postman comes! Lol And i love writing back.

And all that help me in the Parents Section when i'm about to go mad! When i struggle with my boobs, and my baby. You make me feel sane again.

There are so many more! I thank everyone really! You keep me addicted to this forum each and everyday!!! So i probably could say my OH doesn't thank you! :rotfl: :rotfl:
cool thread,

Ok I havent been on here as long as some of you lot, and I havn't made any friends either,

but on the forum every single one of you has been great, putting up with dumbass questions as I tread into the world of TTC clulessly!

Every single one of you has valuable advice which you are all willing to share, or just to be an ear when one wants to rant
Id like to thank Geordie Lass especally for making me feel very welcome when i first joined
Your a lovely lady with a gorgeous little boy :) :hug:

Sarafet for being my text buddy through my labour and anybody else who helped me because i didnt have a clue about pregnancy!!!!!!!

Minxy for the lift to the Liverpool Meet. Thanx hun, your a star :hug: :hug: and to Jen&James for arranging it

Misslarue for having someone to talk to about footy :)

Jade&Evie because i like talking to you and hearing about your gorgeous little girl :hug:

First Baby White , lovely at the meet and thanks for texts asking how me and Callum are :hug:

And Sarah&LJ for many a time keeping me company in the chatroom :hug:
What a lovely thread!

Well I would like to thank firstly Happy Chick for being a true true friend to me, I feel very lucky to know her and count her as a friend :D
Then there is Lisa&Alex who not only manages to make me laugh and cry but is a sexy mamma who is VERY talented and makes fantastic baby stuff!
Kimbo and Samandbump thank you for being good mates and for our MSN chats. You have me in stitches most of the time but are ace to talk to about everything and have really helped me and given me good advice too.
Your all a bunch of foxy ladies and I love you all!!

There are also loads of other ladies on here who make my day and make me smile and also give great advice, including Newmum, Beanie, Minxy, Valentine,...god why does my mind always go blank when i do these things...

There are loooads of others too but I would spend all day writing all your names down!!!

A massive thank you too to Urchin for all your hardwork and sorry for creating some of that for you. :oops: :lol:

Huge hugs for all!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I dont think I can list everyone that I would like 2 that as there are so many but u know who u are...

* Thank you to all those who supported me during & after my miscarriage, I would be where I am today with u guys so a huuuge thank u from the bottom of my heart.
* Thank you to those who I was in TTC with, we all kept each other going & had a laugh and created POAS anonymous! :lol:
* Thank you to all those I went through my pregnancy with, thanks for listening to me moan, cheering me up & being good friends :) its so nice to see our LO's growing and progressing, they grow so fast!
* Thanks to those that helped me n the early days with breastfeeding and with any problems i've since encountered, I really struggled and without the support you've given me I wouldnt still be breastfeeding now.
* Thanks to all those that have been there for me while ive been a member on the forum, helped me & given advice when i've needed it and cheered me up when i've been down, love u all :D

Special thanks to Jen&James, your a fabulous friend and i'm so glad to have met you. We just connect and its crazy that we've met over the internet and become such good friends. Kimbo, u crazy moo haha and lisa&alex you've supported me and listening to me moan on when pregnant, made me laugh SO much and cheered me up when i've felt down your both fantastic. samandbump we only started speaking after our LO's were born and we've become really close since then, your a top bird!! Love u guys xxxx

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you to Urchin for the fantastic fingerprint keyring, I bought it for my OH for our anniversary and he absolutely loved it :D Thank you!!!
I would like to thank all the tri3 girls who I have been on this long pregnancy journey with - Dannii, Mildly, Lea M, MagicMarkers, Claireyfairey (who is currently in labour! woohoo!!), Arimintalovegrove, Leanne (aka Miss Gobby), SteelGoddess, Mrs_Jay, Ani.
Thankyou for all the advice, support and encouragement you have shown me, I couldn't have wished for better people to share my pregnancy experience with and every single one of you is or will be a brilliant mum.
There are loads more and I'm so sorry if I've forgotton anybody, there are just so many!

Also I would like to thank Geordie&Bairn - You always find time to help and your such a lovely person.

And I would like to thank anyone who has taken the time to answer any of my posts in ask a mum as pregnancy can be so confusing sometimes and I appriciate people taking time to offer their advice.

I could go on and on and thank every single person individually but I'd be here for days if I did that!! I'm so sorry if I missed anyone

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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