~Thank a member~

Squiglet said:
and when I reached 6000 posts she kept taking posts off me so I looked like a loon posting "Ive made it to 6000 posts" when I only had 5990 :shakehead: :wink: :wink: :wink:

I'd forgotten about that :rotfl:
Big thanks to Sylvie and her gorgeous LO for the company this morning, the cuppa and the patience when Stanley kept legging it and I had to leave them to it for ages :lol:
i'd like to thank jaidy for being a great pal throughout first pregnancy and keeping in touch even when she had a break from the forum and now she is back again helping with the highs and lows of ttc :wink: :hug:

thanks also to all the girls in the ttc section for the support and kind words x x
I don't have anyone specific to thank but I want to say thanks for all the ttc girls.. there is such a strong bond between everyone in there where we all used to squint over faint lines with hope and tell each other off for testing at 4dpo :lol: I really don't think there is a nicer group of ladies anywhere else online. They are all so supportive, friendly, honest, funny and crazy!! As you can probably tell, I miss it :(

I would like to thank....

Sweetcheeks,valentine, beanie,leckershell,mrs tommo, Jade&Evie, Squiglet & Kazlin for simple being wicked kewl,yo. This means a lot to me as very few people nowadays are wicked kewl,yo. There's others too, but they're the first to sring to mind.

I'd also like to thank SarahH as she seems like a really nice,happy person and this makes me happy by osmosis. SarahH, if you are actually a total bitch, just let me live on in ignorance,k.

& Lisa&alex for her nappy love

& Urchin for keeping my lily like ears undefiled by nasty swearwords

& the rest of you for being awesome
claireyfairey said:
What a lovely idea for a thread! I want to thanks everyone here who's offered me advice throughout my pregnancy - dont know what I would have done without this place, seriously! In particular I want to thank:

HideiLu (have I spelt that right? :think: )

For all being there for me in a huge way - you were all in tri 2 when I joined and I feel all of you have helped me enjoy this pregnancy as much as I have. You're a brilliant bunch of girls with an ability to make me laugh so much and to be so kind and caring. I will always think of you all when I think back on my pregnancy, and that means a lot....so thanks for being there!!! And congratulations on your little ones - I'm completely jealous and in awe - you've all produced such stunning babies!!! :o

C xxx
Aww bless ya :hug: Now hurry up and pop out a gorgeous bubba of your own...I'm not gonna wait forever you know :shakehead:
zebrastripes said:
I'd also like to thank SarahH as she seems like a really nice,happy person and this makes me happy by osmosis. SarahH, if you are actually a total bitch, just let me live on in ignorance,k.

Errrmm..... :think: Thanks!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Aww this is a lovely thread.

I want to thank everyone who reads my whinges :-) and humours me when i think i am being funny! :rotfl:
SarahH, Geordie&Bairn, Coreysmummy, mummykay, Jaidy, Flame,Beanie, Jools, purple13, Suziefaith, Dannii, steelgoddess, Minxy, MissLarue.. actually I can't carry on naming soon i will have named the whole forum!! Basically just everyone i ever talk to on here..your all brilliant thanks for the support and laughs :hug: :hug:
cor, there's lots of people i'd like to thank too, and i'm probably about to commit the cardinal sin of forgetting someone and making them feel bad. but here goes...

ahem (clears throat)

for the great advice and support i've received since i've been on pf i'd like to thank squiglet, beanie, mamichulli & valentine

for kindness & loveliness i'd like to thank tracey2, gem&leland & mummykay

for general all-round good-egg-ness ( :D ) i'd like to thank debbie & matt, urchin, kelsey, maria1976, fran_23, littlepip & xena

with some additional hugs for tillytots too, extended to anyone i've forgotten - please don't be cross with me! :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

eta: i want to add debecca, for commanding my utmost admiration whilst going through hell xxx
awwwww what a lovely thread, well if i was to say thank you to people i'd be here for ever there are so many people i'm greatful too so i'll say thanks to ALL of you lovely, lovely people i care about you all and you all make me feel so welcome here and on msn :D argh now i'm going to blub lol, i apreciate all you have said/ done to help me :D :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks to everyone who has ever given me advice, made me laugh, or listened to me whinge (that should cover most members :wink: )
Thanks to all you Yummy mummy's, you have made my husband a very happy man :rotfl:
zebrastripes said:
and i almost forgot foxxi for being so goddam sexy

How dare you nearly forget about me... GOD DAMN IT!!!

But hey.... you found your own mistake and rectified it!!! :lol: :D

I'd firstly like to thank everyone who has ever answered my posts - in the early days of being pregnant and having Jack I didn't have a clue and it's been great to have support :D :hug:

Thanks to the mods for kicking little trouble causers off the board and keeping this place in order :wink: :D

Big thank you to Foxxi who has become a friend and always makes me laugh (and walk 2 zillion miles) :lol: :hug:

And some others who I consider as friends although don't live close enough to see often... Valentine (looking forward to Nov :D ), Kirsty, Zebrastripes, Kimbo & Sarah H

:hug: :hug:
I'd like to thank the people who are closest to me jools and heleskia as they are always available to talk to whenever i need a chat xxx
Id specifiacaly like to thank

Mrs_tommo22 and Maria1976 for all your support over the last 3 months, via msn, text and calls.. :hug: :hug:
and anyone who has shown support over my upsetting posts over the last 3 months also!!

Thanks to all the girls who went through the tri's with me and were so supportive, and so much fun! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

And huge thanks to all the girls in the PND support thread who have been there when I've been down and listened. You've helped me through this so much and have been brilliant friends :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Special thanks to my pen pals Debecca and Suzie, your letters have cheered me up when I've felt down and made me laugh :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Id like to thank Leckershell for being really friendly and bending over backwards (effortlesly I might add) for us, MrsTommo22 and Redshoes for always giving great advice and being great friends. Jools21478675476398765431123 because she is lovely, Trixipaws just for being you, Flame for becoming a great friend and Valentine- just because I love her :lol:

To Laura B and all the mods for making this a great forum but not forgetting all the members here for makng it such a lovely place :wink:
thanks emma and rebeka for your thanks

thankyou emma for your chats.. and keeping me entertained.. and thanks to willow for her little bottie and perfect modeling :D

Thanks to happy_chick.. coz shes alllways there for me..
also jen&james coz shes just hot and histerical.
thanks to kim coz shes just daft..and her mother coz shes named after my dead dog :D (shes not really.. but she is in lisa land) oh and she makes fantastic imaginary tea and biscuits for pregnant women.

thanks to sam&bump for ehr help and support with teds sleeping.

ive probably missed some people out.. so a big ta..xx

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