Terrible sleep last night...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Alright, last night I was extremely frightened of sleeping. As you might have read in my post in Off Topic, I have sleep paralysis, and it SCARES ME POOPLESS!!!! Anyways, at one point, I ended up falling asleep, and I woke up randomly in the middle of the night (probably after REM sleep, which is normal). But I was dizzy. Sitting up, which I did, made me nearly fall over, and lying down felt like it would if I were drunk. I was extremely disoriented, and scared.

Has anyone else been this dizzy? Emiel thinks it is just because I am pregnant, and I think it might be connected to my mild concussion... but then again, I also thought I was gonna die last night and that my eyes and nose were bleeding. :wall: I can really work myself into a state.
I fainted once, in my first pregnancy. I was quite early on, and just got really dizzy then keeled over! its probably low blood pressure (it was in my case)
I used to be like that when I was younger, always felt if someone was trying to suffocate me :hug:
Yeah, Emiel was just trying to cuddle me and make me feel better, but in truth it made me feel like I couldn't breathe. It felt like someone was pressing down on my chest really hard, and squeezing my insides.

In the end I was able to fall asleep again, and I dreamt that Emiel cut of his penis with a weed eater, into around five bits. I didn't know the number for the hospital, so he bled to death. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Ooh hun :shock: sounds scary..never experianced anything like that but will give u a hug anyway :hug:
I have never been this anxious or paranoid, not before pregnancy anyways.

I also feel disoriented, even now... like my head is being pulled by a string, on the top of my skull, and occasionally that string goes lax. LOL MY DESCRIPTIONS. :rotfl:
:hug: :hug: :hug: That sounds scary! I'm sure it's pregnancy related. I've been dreaming loads lately and have been having trouble sleeping. James woke me up at 2.30am last night, and I didn't get back to sleep until around 4.30am :wall: :wall:
i expect the fear of sleep paralysis is bringing on more nervous symptoms! (ive had it a couple of times in the past so i know how scarey it is)

as for the head thing, does it feel like, you turn your head and your brain kind of lags a bit and goes a bit static/fuzzy? Ive been getting that ...but i think mine is also related to where i came off prozac as soon as i found out i was pg...but that was ages ago and i'm still getting it!
gymbabeliz said:
i expect the fear of sleep paralysis is bringing on more nervous symptoms! (ive had it a couple of times in the past so i know how scarey it is)

as for the head thing, does it feel like, you turn your head and your brain kind of lags a bit and goes a bit static/fuzzy? Ive been getting that ...but i think mine is also related to where i came off prozac as soon as i found out i was pg...but that was ages ago and i'm still getting it!

My brain is extremely fuzzy. I feel like everything is grainier and I see a lot more shadows in my vision. I feel absolutely terrified that it's because of my concussion. I have seriously worked myself into a state, I am crying so hard. I have no idea what to do, my insurance has expired and I have no money.
How come you've got concussion? Is there no way you can see a doctor? It sounds as if maybe you should get it checked out to be on the safe side.
I hope it's better soon :hug: :hug:
I had a mild concussion a few weeks ago. Everything has been absolutely fine since then, it was bad for three days after hitting my head but then it all went away. The bump is gone, it's no longer sore, or anything. Now, weeks later, I am getting the dizziness back???

I dunno, I would rather blame it on the pregnancy. I went to the local doctor's office an hour ago though, and explain the situation, she said come back tomorrow. :wall: :wall: :wall: I really dunno guys, I was worried SICK. Now I feel a lot better though.

Could is be my lack of sleep? Pregnancy? Me psyching myself out?
I just need someone to say, "Tiffany, you are not going to die."
You are not going to die!

YOu are probably having panic attacks, or suffering low blood pressure. Honestly, you are most likely fine, just pregnant & hormonal!
Tiffany you are totally not going to die! :D If you hit your head a week ago I think it's most likely pregnancy related.
I would still go to the doctor tomorrow though just to be safe
I really think I'm having panic attacks. I hate it, because usually I am a very down to earth, reasonable, and put together person. It's ridiculous. I feel absolutely RIDICULOUS!

And thanks guys. I will definately go to the doc, even just for peace of mind. I'm afraid I may be too afraid to sleep tonight, though. The whole concussion thing... afraid I may not wake up again.
If it was awhile ago now, and you have been fine for a few days, its highly unlikely its your concussion. I think (and im no Dr) thats its likely to be panic attacks. My OH gets them, sounds very similar to yours.
It's been a lot more than just a few days. I know I made a topic about it asking for advice when it happened, I'm thinking it might have been even three weeks ago. My memory is terrible right now though.

Thanks, MJP. I know rationally it probably isn't it, because it's been such a long time. I've never had panic attacks before, so if you have any idea what techniques I could use to curb them, I would REALLY appreciate it.
For my partner, relaxing properly before bed is paramount. Some meditation or breathing excercises to relax, clear your mind as much as possible and really try not to think about anything but restfull sleep. I know it sounds impossible, but it does help. Avoid caffiee too.

Warn your partner that cuddling will only make you feel worse. I felt hurt when my partner first pushed me away while he was having one, but he explained later how it makes it worse, so now i know just to reassure him from a distance.

Your Dr will also give you more advice :)

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