Temporary Accomodation


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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My friend got back from hols last night so i had to go to the council and get temporary emergency accomodation, so i went to pick up my key n now im at my nans whilst shes out using the internet cus i dnt wanna go back :doh: :shakehead: :cry:
Its not that its dirty, i was actually suprised how clean it is but its the people, theres 2 gypo brothers who live in the attic above me who speak with an irish accent but were born n raised in england, and a girl opposite a bit younger than me whos due next week, hopefully she'll be my friend and not some scary mary, and a somalian lady with a 2 year old that lives on the corridor n stairs, and the lady doesnt speak english so evry1 has to keep takin the lil girl back when she tries to get out the front door when people leave apparently :think:
Anyways the worst thing about it was her saying ( cus now the room im in in TINY, which suits me fine, im grateful for a bed let alone the floorspace ) when youhave the baby il put you in a bigger room, and i said i didnt intend to be here that long hopefully, and she said thats what they all say !
Lady at the council said id only be here 6 weeks maximum, but the lady at the b n b said after 6 weeks they HAVE to legally move you, but its usually from one b n b to another, or they renew where u r !! So im going to get the lowdown from the girl opposite n see how long shes been there, i dnt wanna baby in a b n b :cry: :cry:
Does anyone know if i can get housing benefit instead ? I asked the woman, cus at the min the councils paying the b n b £30 a day to have me, iv gotta pay £12 a week aswell, i said wouldnt it be cheaper if i found somewhere n claimed, n she said i dont know if your eligible youve gotta ring the homeless advisor n ask, n u cant do that til 2mora :(

I know i ramble but thought id let you girls know so if you dont see me around its because im stuck in some hellhole somewhere, and if not im camping out in the library :D
Where are you to? What area?

You would probably be best looking at private renting and paying with Housing benefit if what your getting told is true. Defo have a chat with the other girl there and see how long shes been waiting. :hug: Sorry its so poo-y xxx
Aw honey :( I don't have any advice, but I hope it all gets sorted for you :hug:
Im in East Anglia, Northamptonshire county council, but i dont really speak to any of my family, only one i speak to now a days is my MIL so i was thinking about maybe going to kettering county council 2mora and asking about private renting there, as its a bit cheaper, and itd b nice to b near someone whod be willing to help out if i needed !
Deffo go see them your entitled to Housing benefit and they will help you with costs like getting referenced and deposit because your homeless your in the best position to get help with money towards a place and they would rather you find your own place and pay your rent for you than they would have to give you a house or flat. :)
Thats what i thought, surely theyd be saving themselves money !!! Thanks Nicki ! I did try n ring earlier but the bloke had gone home so 9am tomorrow i think il just go down to the council again, they fob me off otherwise. Plus god knows where id end up, id have a say in it this way :cheer: :cheer:
Its right that they are only supposed to accommodate families in B&B for 6 weeks, so once LO comes they should get their finger out, if there is potential that yoou are likely to stay longer get some legal advice as there are strict rules.

Read this Housing beneft for council and housing association rent, Housing allowance for private rented.
http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advic ... _allowance

This is a good read re homelessness law http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advic ... melessness

You could also see if the Local authority do a bond scheme to help if you would agree to private rented, ask your homelessness officer about this as they usually run the schemes through this department.
Definatley go and see the council where you wanna live hun... because you have a support network there its a connection to the area and cos you are pregnant and homeless you should be pretty much near the top of the list in terms of rehousing priority - you would be where i live anyways x when the baby is born you will be TOP priority I would have thought :hug: :hug: :hug: goodluck n hope you get sommat sorted love Sarah xxxx
Em you should have applied to go on this years big brother (just joking) :hug: have a cwtch xx
to update :)
Found somewhere i love love love today

http://www.letitpropertymanagement.co.u ... etails.htm

Applied today for it, sooo hard finding somewhere that wil accept housing benefit, must have called 15 estate agents who wouldnt take *dss*, went to see a completel hovel this morning complete with rat/mouse poo and then at 4 went round to see this house and i loveee it, close to town and next to a park and the landlady sounds lovely !!

Just gotta get my references done and then hopefully if they come back ok il be moving in on Saturday............... yay :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

So come saturday fingers crossed :pray: il have a cotbed and double bed without mattress and nooo furniture lol freecycle here i come !!
Wow that looks really nice.

I know what you mean about struggling to find places that accept housing benefit. When I rented years ago I had the same problem but it's usually ignorance on the part of the landlord who doesn't realise that the rent can be paid direct to them and it's guaranteed.

Good luck, I hope you get it!!!!
MagicMarkers said:
, theres 2 gypo brothers who live in the attic above me who speak with an irish accent but were born n raised in england,

hmm sorry i find this a tad offensive!! being of Irish heritage.

"Gypo" :talkhand: talking with "Irish accent" :talkhand:

If your referring to "Irish travellers" then I suggest that you use the correct term!

How did you know they were "gypos" or were you presuming from the "irish accent"
good luck hope you get that house hun,
dont know you but i know how horrible it is not having anywhere stable to live!
Awww i just re read my message and im an old grump!! im really sorry :oops: Im sure you didnt mean it like that. :hug:

Hope you get a place sorted soon, it's a horrible wait but will be worth it in the end xx
Oh noo i didnt mean to be offensive, im having to write my messages quickly because of limited access to the comp and didnt have a chance to reread :wall: Still no excuse !

My grandads family were Romany gypsies, and nans irish so i just didnt understand why theyd be talking with an accent like hers when they come from east anglia, iv since found out theyre from Corby, where the local accent does have a slight irish twang so thats that mystery solved.

I just went with what the boys themselves told me when i met em on the stairs, and what the crazy landlady told me about them being born and raised in England, then again the girl in the room opposite told me last night the landlady calls me the *posh english one*, and what with one half of my family coming from ireland, and the other half welsh and being albsolute SKINT at the minute, must say im getting the feeling shes inaccurate at the best of times !

Again im really sorry, thanks for everyones well wishes im keeping fingers, toes, whatevers crossable crossed that references come back ok and i can get nesting asap :D:D :hug: :hug: :hug:

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