Temping advice


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
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Hi girls,

Got a BFN last night, which tbh was no surprise! I am actually not due AF till Monday, but am absolutely convinced I am not PG, no symptoms at all and just have that negative feeling again! It may have been too early to test last night, but I thought even if I saw the faintest of line it would give me hope! :(

This will be me in my 7th month of TTC, and have now decided to start temping/charting (have only been OPKing till now). Can you give me some advice please? Which is the best kit to buy?

I can't give you any advice on temping as I don't do it but would just like to say
to the forum and good luck TTC, I'm sure you'll get your BFP soon.
Hi Jule :wave:

I started charting beginning of this year and its really easy once you get the hang of it, though when I first started looking at charts I was like WTF?? lol!

I suggest having a good ole nosey around http://www.fertilityfriend.com and look at other peoples charts, read the faqs etc, and get a feel for whats involved.

Loads of us have links to our own charts in our sigs so feel free to have a nose at them too, and then if you have any questions ask ask and ask!

As for kit, all you really need to begin with is a digital oral thermometer that reads to 2 degrees, boots do them pretty cheap or have a look on ebay.
Hi, I just wanted to add that with each of my 4 pregnancies I had no symptoms at all until 6weeks had passed. In fact that's how I knew each time, it was so lovely to not have my usual PMS: soore boobs, aching and bloated belly, tearfulness, irritability. So until AF shows there is always a chance. Good luck. :hug:
I'm so glad someone else asked this question as it was one I was going to ask soon! I know nothing about temps so hopefully a bunch of us will be learning together!

Babbles said:
Hi, I just wanted to add that with each of my 4 pregnancies I had no symptoms at all until 6weeks had passed. In fact that's how I knew each time, it was so lovely to not have my usual PMS: soore boobs, aching and bloated belly, tearfulness, irritability.

:( This is what I've been getting lately. Can't sleep at night, very tearful, tender breasts, dull aches in abdomen and bloated too- to top it all off. Then we get treated to 5 days of YOU KNOW WHAT. AF due Tuesday...it's not fair!

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