Help please


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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I'm back......need all you wonderful ladies to help me!!

Am off to see GP tomorrow with hubby to try and get some fertility tests done (long story and don't want to go into it)

anyway I'm not sure what tests I should be getting...

sperm analysis for hubby

CD21 test and ??FSH for me.

The other problem is I am now on CD21 today, I've not been temping or OPKing so have no idea if I've ovulated. had a week long mid-cycle spotting from CD11 saw the nurse...she said possibly early AF brought on by stress!! or possibly something else.....took temp yesterday and today


so thinking either it was early AF and am now early cycle rather than CD21

or I've just not ov'd yet and will do in next few days

so do I get blood test done now in case I have ov'd and temp is wrong, or wait till I have a confirmed OV by OPK/temp and test after that? any opinions?


ps.its good to be back. hope you're all well xxxx
glad you are back chellie- shame its with us and not first tri though :hug:

I would just take the docs advice initially on what they want to do first- discuss the spotting and say you are unsure whether you are cd21 or not etc

good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
Welcome back huuny,

Wish you luck with tests

Hope you get your BFP real soon

:hug: :hug: :pray:
Thanks :hug:

spotting will be in my notes anyway, but i'll make sure to mention it.
i thnk ur going in really well prepared . i started with the cd21 test etc and go on from there really . by them temps id also say you were pre-ovulation !

good luck today hun , will be 'kinda' about tongight if u need me , gota pack for holiday , leaving tomorrw :wall: not done it yet lol

laods hugs , for u and blokey :hug:

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