Telling Work


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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So, when do you plan to tell your work? Have you told them already?

I'm a bit nervous about it as my close colleague who I work really close with and we cover each other's holidays etc. is also pregnant (about 4 weeks ahead of me).

What do you think are the best ways to tell your boss in this scenario? Our husbands have both suggested we sit down with our boss and tell at the same time... I'm not so sure.
I told work straight away (about 6 weeks) because I found out on my lunch break and was happy/upset about it and needed to talk about it to someone...

Just because another girl is pregnant, that isn't your fault, that's the company's problem and there is nothing they can do about it!

It depends though sweet, whenever you feel ready. I would probably tell them separately because at the end of the day, they are separate situations and they might have different questions for each of you.

Don't worry though, it's always nerve wracking because you don't want to let them down, but then you need to tell them at some point! Some women choose to tell people after 12 weeks, but I think because I work there full time, I couldn't keep my mouth shut for 9 hours every day 5 days a week!!!

Hope it goes well whatever you decide :hug: xxx
same as Danni, just whenever your ready..

I told work at about 5/6 weeks, cant quite rember, but it was because Manager was being bit funny, as i had to have docs app week before cos was ill, then again to cofirm pregnancy, then i had a app to see midiwfe, she wasnt being funny as such, just worried for my health etc..

So i just blurted out, well i'm pregnant lol.. she replied.. Well you can def time time off, hehe..

So dont be scard of telling work, they can only be happy for you chick xx

I'm not worried as such, just trying to figure out the best way round it. With my daughter I told my boss really early on as I had to travel a lot for work and thought it best she knew as soon as possible. ( I've since changed jobs)

I had it fairly straight in my head that my friend would tell and then a few weeks later I would but the other day hubby said perhaps it would be better to tell at the same time so that they can plan, and then my friend's hubby also said to tell at the same time but more for comedy value as we already get teased for going everywhere/doing everything together.... :lol:

Gives a whole new meaning to "we're pregnant" !! :rotfl:
Hope it goes well hun with telling them its up to you really i would personally tell my boss separtly but if you want to both tell them together then go for it.

my boss already knows well with mood iv been in up and down all time but wont say anything else to anyone till after 12 weeks x :hug: :hug:
I told a few people in work quite early, and my manager at 10 weeks (she was leaving for maternity leave herself that week but i wanted to tell her face to face)

I then just let everyone else find out after my first scan at 11 weeks, they're good about it, i personally havnt taken any time off for it though, but they've been very good about letting baby daddy have time off for scans etc.

I'm glad i told them early cos they've made sure i'm not on my feet too much (its hard now) and they ensure there's someoene else around to lift heavy stock etc. I also get to do my job rather then tidy the shop floor which i hate, cos they no i've been finding bending more difficult recently, and theres no chance of customers asking me to lift stuff for them.

I know my work cant have a problem with prengancy as they've apparnetly just hired a pregnant women to do the same job as me on weekday evenings, seems silly, but at least it shows they dont discriminate because of it. they'll jsut have to find someone else to cover me and her when we go lol
I am really not sure. My problem is that there is quite a lot of upheaval at work at the moment. Everyones jobs are up in the air, and I know it shouldnt but it will be one more thing against me. I suppose it is part of my whole feeling of being scared about the future, but I am not going to tell them until physical appearances make it impossible to deny.
So, when do you plan to tell your work? Have you told them already?

I'm a bit nervous about it as my close colleague who I work really close with and we cover each other's holidays etc. is also pregnant (about 4 weeks ahead of me).

What do you think are the best ways to tell your boss in this scenario?

Good Luck with telling your boss - do you share the same chair?? If you do you might want to suggest that they swap it to stop any more pregnancies :lol:
I told my work the day after i had it confirmed by the doctor because i just wanted to be honest with them and they were fine with it. They would have guessed sooner or later anyway because i had quite bad morning sickness and had to keep running off to the loo :oops:
but its totally up to you when you tell them hun. take care xx
Jollypops said:
Good Luck with telling your boss - do you share the same chair?? If you do you might want to suggest that they swap it to stop any more pregnancies :lol:

:lol: We're going to get so much stick, its bad enough already as we tend to go for lunch together and are always having people joke about doing things together .... they're going to love this ammunition!!!

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