telling your boss...


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Im just wondering when people are thinking of telling their boss/work about being pregnant?

I dont really want to tell anyone until 12 weeks when i know all is ok but one of my jobs is at a restaurant where im always lifting heavy things and using string chemicals that im sure cant be good whilst pregnant. Not sure what to do!

hello! i told mine as soon as i found out and that was when i was about 5 weeks. because i didnt want to run the risk of doing anything i shouldnt and just wanted them to know and understand, so if i were you i would. i can see why people dont tell family before 12 weeks, but work is different as if you do lift or damage yourself then that would be such a disaster as you could do harm, my advice would be tell em asap! x
i told my boss yesterday.. and i am about 5 and half weeks... i just figured there was no harm in them knowing and they know why i am nipping to the loo every 10 mins!
ok,. i think its probably for the best that i tell them, quite nervous really because i know how shocked everyone will be! we didnt tell anyone we were ttc and im usually such a party animal! I just hope everything is ok when i get to 12 weeks otherwise people will know and it will make it worse :-s x
just tell the relevant people, and if anyone is nosey, say medical reasons. at least if god forbid anything happened, you wouldnt have to tell too many people. everything will be ok!! xx
My boss had to be the 3rd person that knew unfortunalty!! I work in too much of a confrontational role, and knew as soon as I found out, I would have to change roles dramtically - so everyone at my work has known since I was 4 weeks!!
its not ideal, but you need to think to yourself, if anything did happen, or there was an accident, I wouldnt be able to forgive myself xxx
thank u.

God i loved this forum when i was ttc but i think im really going to need it during pregnancy! x
I told my employers when I was very early on, they were very understanding and kept it hush and didn't make me do anything that I shouldn't have been doing while pregnant xx
I told my immediate supervisor as soon as I found out (5.5 weeks). The office gossips didn't find out until after a scan I had at around 8 weeks - but pretty much everyone had guessed anyway!

I think it is important to tell a boss you can trust as if you need time off, or are poorly at work, they will understand. Also, they will carry out a risk assessment for you so you are not in danger.

Best wishes x
i told my bosses when i found out as both my jobs involve either lifting boxes in an office and carryign things upstair all the time or care work so could be at risk to hoists and illness etc. tell them whn u feel comfortable to do so but also remember that if you dont tell them and u do lift somethign heavy or fall they wouldnt be liable coz thye ddnt know etc :) xx
ive just text my 3 bosses (who are also good friends) as i couldnt bare to tell them in person! lol

Thanks everyone x

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