Telling Work..


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2015
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I work Sat and Sun in a fairly isolated location and spend a few hours of the day alone. On a normal work day a colleague would arrive a few hours after I start and we do the rest of the shift together - but today for eg she is off sick, so i'm going to be alone for the whole day.

That got me wondering if, even though my pregnancy is very early and I had no intention of saying anything for ages - maybe I should let them know?

What do you think?
I told my manager when I was 6 weeks, however I had to tell them as I cannot lift heavy things. I told my manger that i didn't want anyone else to know until after my scan. So if you wanted to tell them then you should X
I told my work after my early scan at 8w.

Im glad because I dont need to climb or lift as much.

Thanks ladies - I would definitely be telling if I had to do any kind of lifting etc... but I just sit at a computer all day :D

I just wonder if lone-working is considered more risky if i'm pregnant? In a way I would rather they didn't know for a while.... but on days like today when I'm expected to cover for a sick colleague with no break for 7.5 hours, it might be good that they consider my 'condition' ;)
It's entirely up to you, if you want them to take it into consideration they can only do that if they know. If you're happy with how things are for now then no need to tell them xx
I am in the same boat, I am a police officer but I am so early! They take me off the streets and behind a desk straight awY! Everyone would know! And the situation I am in I hate the gossiping! But I have to weigh up gossip or being safe ! Awkward x
Im 6 weeks 1 day and I am going to tell work today confidentially but only because I wont be paid for my antenatal appts otherwise and they will they and make me work back my time.
Trouble is there is no law with lone working, but someone should at least call up your place of work to check on you. x

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