Telling people.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2011
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I'm so clueless when it comes to pregnancy so was wondering when you started telling people that your pregnant? I know that it was traditional to wait till your 12 week scan but when I think of the people I've heard of being pregnant recently I knew well before they were 12 weeks. Whats your thought on this?

We are thinking about telling our parents this weekend as we're struggling to keep it to ourselves. I'm only 5 weeks gone.
Hello :wave: and congrats!
We told our parents when we found out a week ago but are waiting until the nuchal scan to tell everyone else. I had to tell my workplace because my job involves a lot of lifting and shelf-stacking so I needed to be moved to checkouts.
Thanks for that, I think we'll tell our parents this weekend and then perhaps my sister and best friend in a couple of weeks and then everyone else can wait till scan.
I want to tell my mum so bad but we're gonna hold off telling them until 12 week scan.
We're waiting til we have our dating scan at 8 weeks, I think it should be whenever you both decide that you are comfortable with telling people we felt 8 weeks was right for us

Lou x
I think you will know who to tell....The people who would support you from beginning to end no matter what! I told my mum & dad, sister and my best friend and my next door neighbour who is also pregnant. All these people I would want their help and support if it all went horribly wrong..... Everyone else should know by next week if all goes to plan !! eek

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