Scared to tell people


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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I'm 5 weeks today, and although I'm dying for everyone to know I just can't bring myself to tell them.

My gran called today (she lives abroad) and I could have told her, but I just couldn't do it. The words won't come out of my mouth.

I have even banned my OH from telling his sisters. (Extreme gossips).

I know close family will be hurt if I wait until 12 weeks to tell them but I'm
Just so scared something will happen, and then I'll feel like I've failed everyone if it does. It just seems better to have a handful of people knowing.

Are other people waiting till 12 weeks or telling loved ones sooner?
It's really a personal choice when you tell people so don't worry about feeling you want to keep it safe until 12 weeks. Whatever you and OH decide is fine and no one should think otherwise xxx
Thank you, just don't want to hurt feelings by keeping people in the dark, but then don't want to tell!

Such a confusing time!
You do whatever feels right. Your family will understand. And you have this place to talk about all things pregnancy in the meantime :-) xxx
Its a hard choice to make telling people and who you tell before 12 weeks! Im nearly 10 weeks now and most people know now! As this wasnt a planned pregnancy i told my OH (who still is very shocked lol) and then told all my close family, OH then told his family and somehow its got out and everyone now knows! Im happy people know as i dont have to hide my sickness or anything and everyone has been so nice about it and so happy. The only thing that worries me is if i go for my 12 week scan and something is wrong then i have so many people to tell bad news too which obviously would be devastating!But im glad i told everyone some people had guessed anyway lol im awful with secrets and my mum keeps telling me ill be fine so fingers crossed! I think its completley your choice theres good and bad to both xxx
I am waiting until 12 week scan only because of my 2 MC's xxx
I am waiting until 12 week scan only because of my 2 MC's xxx

Oh i would definaltey wait until 12 weeks if id have any previous pregnancies or complications just to be on the safe side. Completley agree with you there Spinneygirl xx
I just told my best friend, who is a bit pregnancy phobic, and she just said she was shocked - she didn't even congratulate me! Then she changed the subject and talked about stuff to do with her.

She's very foreceful and was trying to get me to go on extreme bike rides with her, so I had to tell her so that she knows i'm not just being lazy - I've tried to get across to her that I can still go on my bike, but just not too fast or too extreme...

It's such a strange thing to do, the telling people. She's the only friend I need to tell before I go for a scan, I'm hoping to do a private scan at 8 weeks and if all looks ok on that (I'm assuming the private ones can tell you things are OK or not?) then when i've seen for myself I will tell a few more family members, brother, grandparents etc. Gonna leave all other people till I'm 12 weeks.
Morning Girls! It's so hard to know when to tell people isn't it? I had an early scan and we saw a heartbeat at 5 + 5 so I was reassured that all was probably going to be ok. We told close freinds and family after that but it really is up to you when tell people. I'm sure nobody will think bad of you for holding out until you're sure things are ok x
I told my parents and sister very early on. My OH half has also told his parents. I told my boss too but definitely not telling anyone else until 12/13 weeks :)
You should just do what feels right, there are no set rules :)
I'm waiting until after 12 weeks because of previous losses x
I haven't told anyone yet (6w) but we were planning to have a private scan around 7+ weeks and I thought we would tell our mums and my best friend then if all is well. I have to tell my work when I change jobs at 9w and I don't want them to be the first people we tell.
I am now 13 weeks and 4 days... and have still not fully announced the pregnancy! I told my parents when i was 9 weeks and told my best friends after my 12 weeks scan. Other than that i'm still scared the share the news... i'm a very paranoid person though and am still petrified something will go wrong.

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