Tell me what you're suffering from!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Feeling sorry for myself. Can't sleep and am thinking about all the things that I have accumulated so far in this trimester (poss tmi) - am I normal or is this excessive?

- Anaemia
- Excruciating back ache
- Urine infection (the treatment of which caused the next one)
- Thrush
- Piles
- Teeth deterioration needing fillings, root canal and wisdom removal

And the not so bad:

- Leg cramps
- Restless leg
- Insomnia
- Few stretch marks (not tooo worried about this one - could be worse!)

To be fair the teeth are now sorted, as is (hopefully) the urine infection, and the thrush is getting there. The back ache seems less intense but I think that's just because of the pain from everything else and me getting used to it! The one that's annoying me now is piles (yuck) never had it before and wondering if I'm now gonna be plagued for the rest of my life with it :'( It's been making the whole area down there sore to the point where I had to stop DH during sex the other night with the pain. Felt like a failure and like I'm never gonna be right again :'(
Someone give me a slap and assure me you're coping with the same/worse!

I know it'll be worth it all when I have my little guy here. I just thought I was healthier than this lol xxx
Ok hun here goes. lol

increased arthritis symptoms due to not being able to take medication for it
Back ache
Pains in cervix
INcreased fluid (around baby)
swollen ankles and joints
unable to sleep at night
increase in peeing like every half an hour!!!
leg cramps
stretch marks

Sure theres ones I haven't remembered!!! I feel sick of hearing myself moan. lol. xxxxx
Awww... Girlies... On the positive... You're on the home stretch now... So soon all those things will be distant memories, and when you have your LOs in your arms, it will all have been worth it.
The thing I am suffering most from right now is impatience!! I just want my LO here NOW!!!!! :)
Hope you Both manage to get some relief from your symptoms... Xx
Oh wow that sucks!! Who'd have thought our bodies are 'made' for pregnancy !! Glad to hear you're being tougher than me though lol. I've had to stop myself going on Facebook I was moaning sooo much lol xxx
yep knew I had forgotten something - impatience!!!!! lol. I really want AJ here!!! I think for me I have at least 6 weeks till my c-section and I am in excruiating pain with a type of arthritis that I have had for 3 years and was under control till pregnancy. Cos I can't take any of my anti inflammatories etc I am really suffering. Add on the SPD and I will admit to feeling very sorry for myself. I think it just seems like 6 more weeks of this pain and worse as baby gets bigger is a nightmare thought. When you can't move out the house on your own, are being sick from the pain and crying in the arms of your OH cos everytime baby kicks it sends shockwaves through you - 6 weeks seems like forever and ever.
I had awful probs in first trimester, but these have eased a bit. Main things now are sciatica down the right side of my body, PGP, bad knees (as I cant take stuff for my joints due to preg), numb legs when trying to sleep, eating WAY too much, baby is now predicted to be a big one and he is currently back to back with me.

Im always nervous about my teeth, had a brilliant set of gnashers apart from having wisdom teeth taken out, and my mum's teeth were ruined after having me and my sis, so really hope my ones stay strong as their enamel wasnt great to begin with
Ok my main one is serious lack of sleep due to pain/pressure in hips and pelvis, swollen ankles and fingers, painful braxton hicks and OC which means Im being induced tomorrow. So really compared to everyone else Im not bad. I thought the first trimester was the worst this has been aches and pains but at least you sort of see an end in sight if you get me and the 'goal' feels more real.

I definatey think different people have differnent pregnancies, my best friend didnt have a single symptom all throughout her pregnancy and had a heart shaped womb so ended up with a c section but recovered brilliantly. It made me think ohhhh I can do that but had the worst first trimester I thought I was going mental!! LOL

As much as your fed up/hurting/pissed off now it will soon be over and you LO will so be worth it all. Im off to my last day at work after a few hours of painful sleep before my induction tomorrow and trying desperately to be positive. Wish me Luck!!! :) Big hugs!!!!XXXX
Wow good luck!! Can't imagine the nerves you must be feeling. I'm sure it'll all go smoothly, have heard loads of positive induction stories, can't wait to hear yours! Xxx
Great tread to let us all feel sorry for our selves :)

Iv got

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Shooting cervex pains
back pain
all over weight gain
Swolen everywhere
Exhaustion midexd with insomnia at night
Peeing on the hour
Recurring trush
Costocondritis has flared up and cant take the meds for it :-(
Im sure there are more but my baby brain wont let me remember them
my main things at the moment are:-

increased pooing
sore knees.....
increased fluid
big baby


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