Tell me this is a phase!

That's amazing! I bet you spent half the time awake, waiting on him waking up and wondering why he wasn't!! Haha
Aw I'm dead happy for you you!! Go Oscar fingers crossed again for tonight you must be feeling a bit better! X
Well it seems to be working again tonight! We woke at 8.10 as usual (now) had some play then went to play group, he had most of his milk there but then finished it off at my friends house on the way back home, he had a 40 minute nap at her house then nodded off in the car for about twenty minutes, got home, half an hour play then back out to visit anther friend and had a bottle there, then fell asleep in the car for an hour and forty minutes! Was travelling back to Wales to stay with the folks. Got here and he had some play until 8 then quiet time with reading and lullabies but wanted his milk, drank 6oz and was out for the count. Just waiting for him to stir as he doesn't have his dummy in! But still better than all other previous nights! no tantrums at all tonight! Thanks everyone, really helps logging it on here! And the support is great!
Everything crossed for you for a second night. You defo deserve the sleep! x x
aw sounds good!.. Chase was having 3 naps a day at that age.
one around 10am.. 30 to 45 mins.
then he had another around 2pm and again around 4/5 bed at 6.30/7/30

I think 3 naps at that age is the key to many babies.

Fingers crossed for you! Its so difficult, between 4 and 5 months I went out every single day with chase, as it was the best way for him to nap properly and to have some peace lol x
Another amazing night!!!! Asleep by 8.30, quick feed at 3 straight back down then up at 7!!! Watching cartoons now! Might have cracked it! The sleep trainer got back in touch, she does a number of services, the most intense is that she will live with you for four days and four nights and get baby sleeping from 7-7 with one dream feed at 11.that costs £1440. Or there is a consultation and tailored plan for £149. Some excellent reviews. Told her I will contact if it goes wrong again! But this seems to work a treat for oscar now! So happy!!! Thanks again everyone! Xx
Very very pleased for you. Once you get your sleep, it makes the days a hell of a lot easier :-)
Yay, that's great news! Makes such a difference doesn't it? I almost feel normal again now I'm getting more sleep at night!
Yay!!! So pleased! That a lot of money, can't she just tell you the secret over then phone ;-) x
Fab night again, asleep before 8.30, took a few times to finally settle but he didn't have the best naps yesterday but was out for the count finally before 10. Didn't start stirring until just before 4! Just given some milk and straight back down! I might become a sleep trainer!!!!
I feel for you hun, have you tried carrying baby in a sling in the evenings, my baby was really needy, he hated prams have you tried the puschair part already, mine was much better more upright and would fall asleep like that and id then lay him down a bit. he woke every 2 hours from birth till 11 month and i started 6 weeks battle of refucing nightfeeds and then gave up breastfeeding, he now goes 7/8 pm till 4:30 am sometimes with a random scream and resettle in the middle.

We coslept all that time, have you tried it?

I brought him a musical seahorse (fisherprice) and made that part of our bedtime and resettling routene - best thing I did, and it's small so can go in puschair too!

I just spend alot of time on a stool next to the cot now! But he knows and doesn 't cry much now

Oh does he have a muslin cloth? We give roman one everytime he's tired and he see's it as a sleep thing now, he likes to lay it on his head now ( only thin) and goes off far quicker , like a comfort x
Oh ive just seen on an extra page - youve cracked it - well done and enjoy the sleep x
Thanks jj mum, he's gone down ok again tonight only needed settling three times which considering he's bunged up is pretty good going! I had tried everything except a doing but he weighs over 19lbs now! It would break my back! Ha ha. Tonight I'm trying something a bit new again, I'm going to dream feed him when I go to bed at about 11/12 to see if this makes him sleep until I wake him at 8. He usually had his last bottle about 8 then has been waking about 3/4 for another bottle then a top up at 6/7 then I wake him at 8 (figured out 7 is too early for him and messed his day naps up) will report back tomorrow! Xx
Have you tried just squeezing an extra bottle in during the day? This is what I did when my son was about that age and waking for night feeds. I boosted his milk intake during the day and it seemed to help.
Yeah I have been trying to give him more to build him up throughout the day but he just won't take it! He's hardly had anything today!

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