I feel for you hun, have you tried carrying baby in a sling in the evenings, my baby was really needy, he hated prams have you tried the puschair part already, mine was much better more upright and would fall asleep like that and id then lay him down a bit. he woke every 2 hours from birth till 11 month and i started 6 weeks battle of refucing nightfeeds and then gave up breastfeeding, he now goes 7/8 pm till 4:30 am sometimes with a random scream and resettle in the middle.
We coslept all that time, have you tried it?
I brought him a musical seahorse (fisherprice) and made that part of our bedtime and resettling routene - best thing I did, and it's small so can go in puschair too!
I just spend alot of time on a stool next to the cot now! But he knows and doesn 't cry much now
Oh does he have a muslin cloth? We give roman one everytime he's tired and he see's it as a sleep thing now, he likes to lay it on his head now ( only thin) and goes off far quicker , like a comfort x