Tell me this is a phase!

Poppy is still like that, had hardly any milk all day and then guzzled 13oz before bed so hopefully that will make up for it and her sleep will still be ok!
Does your lo have reflux and maybe drinking too much milk to soothe himself whilst he's unsettled? 19lbs at 4 months old is a lot, my 16 month old is 21lbs just.
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Oscar is very long, he's tall like his dad. He's ly drinking around the norm 35oz in 24 hours. He doesn't have reflux he's not in any pain etc jugs gets ver tired easily. Like today he had hardly any naps as we were out and about so he's been a bit of a horror tonight., but is in bed asleep now.
Oliver was 18lb4 at last weigh in so be about 19lb now. He like oscar is very long where his dad is 6ft6. He wears 9-12 month clothes for the length and they are to big everywhere lol. His baby grows are all baggy. Extra long babies have the extra weight. Glad he is sleeping better for you hun. No one deserves a good nights sleep like you do xxx
Thanks lilmiss. These long babies are going to be taller than us soon! Oscar slept well again last night, was a bits a horror bag gouge to sleeput I'm not sure if that's because of the few naps he had yesterday or whether it was because my mum was trying to do his bedtime (trying to make sure he doesn't just rely on me to get to sleep!) but when he finally went he didn't wake until 4 then I woke him this morning at 8.20
They will be. My oh jokes when he throws ollie in the air that he will be able to do that to his sister when he is 10 lol. She is 20 haha. Wow he really has turned a corner now bless him. Yeah we do the same here with not just me putting him to bed or he won't like it if even I'm not available xxx

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