Tell me this is a phase!

I don't really know what to suggest. But you do have my sympathies. My LO was horrendous until he finally responded to CC at 9 months. It's so horrible and stressful for everyone.

At 4 months old, I'd just do whatever it takes for you both to be more relaxed as stress won't help. My OH and I used to take turns as i was lucky enough to have him around at that age. I found my LO responded well to music and white noise for certain time.

Good luck with the sleep specialist and I hope things improve soon.
You poor thing. Hopefully the sleep specialist can help.

I've got 3 kids and I've had one great sleeper- slept through 7:30 - 7:30 from 7 weeks. And at almost 9 he loves his bed. One terrible sleeper. Maddie didn't sleep through till she was 3 and a half years old, and now at 6 she gets up a lot in the night. And still waiting to see how Emma is going to be. She's 11 months and only just started sleeping through regularly in the last few weeks. I've had the same routine with each of them, so in my opinion every baby is just different. I have noticed though that if they sleep during the day, they tend to sleep better at night.
How did you get on last night hon? x x
Last night was horrific,didn't sleep until half two then woke at 6 thirty ish. But I got him up at 8 today, he had started the habit of having some milk and going straight back down until 10, I'm breaking that habit. So I got him up at 8, play time and cartoons then at almost 10 he was hungry so gave up. His bottle then he had a good nap for an hour, the most I usually get out of him is 40 minutes at a push! So that's better today already. I'm going to repeat the process at th next feed and hope he has three good naps today which I think will he'll him sleep better to it because he is over tired which is what's stopping him sleeping.
Thanks everyone for all your suggestions and support,MIT really does help when your brain is frazzled! I'll let you know what happens with the sleep trainer, she's emailing me tonight.
I used to have terrible sleep problems with my lg too, I couldn't get any sort of routine going and had to go for a walk every time she needed a nap! Gradually things got better and now she is usually asleep in bed by 8pm and wakes for a feed usually once or twice in the night. Sometimes it's harder getting her back to sleep again but generally it's much better than it used to be and I think it might be because the days are better now. I don't let her go much over two hours without a nap and that seems to work. If she gets up at 7.30 then I will put her back to bed at 9.30 and she usually has half an hour. Then at 12ish we go for a walk for an hour and when we get back she stays asleep for another hour usually. So if she wakes at 2.15 then she'll have another nap at 4.15. Then I start feeding her at 6.45, then bath, then rest of the bottle and then bed. It used to be that she would have to be asleep when we put her down otherwise she wouldn't stop crying but now I put her down awake and more often than not she goes off to sleep with minimal crying. I don't really know how it happened, it was gradual but we would just leave her crying a while before going in and comforting her. Then when she calmed down we would leave again and just keep doing it until she fell asleep as she had to in the end! I'm sure you will get there very soon. I think once they realise night time is for sleeping it becomes much easier to settle them, and once the day naps are sorted the nights should hopefully improve.
Thanks. Well, he's back to sleep now for a nap then we are off out for a walk so hopefully he will sleep again then.
Oscars feeding is ok now, he's on lactose free so no reflux or anything, a lot less wind too. I've woken him up earlier today and am trying to do a stricter nap routine. I tried to sack the routine last jug th and he didn't sleep until 2.30! Then was up at 6.30 then started to stir at 8 so I woke him anyway! Hopefully better naps today will help tonight!

Nat said reflex - they have a startle reflex that wakes them a lot x

Scrap that - saw post above nats !

Hope hou sort it x
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He's having another good nap at the moment, this is profess in itself, will be interesting to see how it effects his sleep tonight!
Bloody hell, so far so good! Here's today's routine...
8.00 wake up - 2 hours play time
10.00 bottle and nap
11.15 wake - 2 hours play
1.30 bottle and nap
2.40 - wake and went for a long walk and a coffee stop
4.15 - 20 minute nap on the way home
Play time
5.15 bottle
6.10 nap but only about half an hour then woke
Play until 7.50 then bath
Songs an dreading in bedroom after bath until 8.30 then bottle and lullabies and he fell asleep at 9

He has stirred a couple of times cos his dummy wasn't in or fell out but has gone straight back down, he's on his front now which is how he sleeps best so fingers crossed!
That's a similar routine to what Oscar was in at that age without the 6pm nap - hope it works
Great stuff.. And yeh same stanley had similar too fingers crossed for ya x
He's still asleep! Am expecting him to want some food at about 11.30/12 though has he didn't quite take a full bottle before bed!
Good luck, my friend had a night nurse for a whole week amd then the odd day cost a the thousands but did the trick and she now has a very contended happy baby which sleeps...

Hope you dont have to go down that route..
He's still sleeping! I thought he'd have woken by now for some food! Should I poke him, see if he's ok?.............:shock::rotfl:
Oooh fingers crossed you've cracked it a bit. Noooo waking him up!! Haha x
He just woke for a feed, it's nearly 2am! I say some, had didn't actually wake up but was flailing so much he was travelling round the cot! He just had 4oz then straight back down. Don't want to get too excited in case this us just a good night because last night was so bad and he's knackered! Will stick to his routine though, up at 8 and at least three good naps and bedtime not starting till 8.
Now just up at 5.10 and wolfed 6oz but is shuffling and whining trying to settle...will leave him a minute....yeah has settled.
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