

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Alex is getting his top tooth/teeth his bottom ones didn't seem to give him as much trouble but I just cannot get relief for him. He has teething powders and calpol but I have just given him teething gel which has worked a bit better can you use al three together??
I have dentinox teething gel and cal gel.
I found the only thing that helped charley was to let him bite an ice pole. I just cut the edges off so they wasn't sharp but didn't open it and let him bite it until it went like juice again then put it back in the freezer to re freeze. Nothing else has helped him
I used all 3 together (bonjela, teething powders and calpol) and it worked fab!
I give LO a cold wet flannel to chew on straight out the fridge, you can practically hear his gums sizzling poor little mite! Have you thought about a teething necklace? I'm sure ours helps :)
My LOs just started getting her teeth and struggled for a few days but I put her teething necklace on and shes fine now. Maybe coincidence but Im not taking it off now!

Id say you can use them all together. Just double check on the packaging for anything it might say. I use dentinox gel and calpol occasoinally as well. Calpol is just like the juice of the gods.
First bottom one for Oz was awful and I used everything I could find all at once lol, teething powders, calpol, gels, anbesol etc, plus teethers in the freezer worked a treat too.

Hope it/they cut through soon xxxx

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