Why won't he settle?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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He has learnt to stand up in his cot. I've burped him fed him the lot. Given painkillers as he is teething, teething gel. Given a few cuddles but I don't want to do this as he is getting too big for me now.

Had this everynight since my MIL had him. She cuddles him to sleep which I have told her about on many occasions not to do. So very pissed off about it.

Leaving him to cry but he is not letting out just keeps standing up at the bars? What should I do x
Don't know really, maybe try lay him down lete him cry, get out of the room, 5 I'm later the same and so on ?
I just wanted to stop for :hug: I am sure someone with more experience will answer you soon. I hope he settles for you.
Thanks hun, On my own partner has decided to go play drug run with his mate. Never really puts us first, I do try my best x I'm not getting angry with my Little man so thats good. I usually get frustrated x
Lizzie has done this a few times recently as she is seeing what she can get away with - we have to just leave her to it unfortunately! I find that giving her something really interesting to look at when I lay her down can keep her attention just enough to stop her standing up again and she'll drift off.
Try using a timer on your phone so you can have a proper 5 minute countdown otherwise you'll find yourself giving in and going in to him every 2 mins!
Daddy is in there now no crying so god knows what the little fart wanted. last night I had to sit on the floor with my hand on his chest til he calmed down. Didn't work tonight so I gave up x
We're going through this at the moment. Can he lie himself back down? I tried staying in the room so he knew I was there but last night I resorted to lying him down, telling him 'sleep time' and then leaving for 5 mins - he howled but i could tell he was lying down every so often. I went back in at 5 mins and td him 'sleep time' again and stroked his hair a bit until he stopped crying and then left agin, this time for 7 mins, back in and then out again was going to wait 9 mins but he went quiet. It's hard work but he's gone down for his morning nap with very little fuss so I think he's realising that standing up is getting him nowhere. Good luck :)
we both gave up trying in the end just kept putting him back on his back anf tucking him in and giving him his dummy even though he wasn't sucking it. It took him over an hour and half to get the message :S wouldn't mind but he fell asleep on his bottle then woke up from wind x

I gave him his medicene spoon which ocuppyed him for a few minutes x I tucked him in with a load of toys either side in end and left him to fight them lol x
It could be a number of things really, although you have already tried covering the main once such as teathing, burping e.t.c

Its important to keep the same routine when putting LO to sleep by giving very little stimulation, no talking or eye contact and do the leave the room for 5 mins mission, go back in and leave for 10 mins and so on....

Do you have a night light? Perhaps some soft music in the background, teething ring. Bathing baby in lavender johnsons baby worked really well for my 2 children and calmed them down quite a lot before bed time. He could still be in the process of understanding day and night still hunny. Dont be hard on yourself your doing everything you can you just have to be patient. It took me 2 solid weeks with the controlled crying for my 2 children before there was any progress! 2 long whole weeks! so.....try not to make any plans as if you really want to crack this you will be a walking zombie but trust me when I say if you do it and stick to it you wont regret it! If you keep chopping and changing the sleep rountine it will take you god knows how long to get somewhere. xx

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