Teen body obsession on ITV


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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anyone watching this?

some of the attitudes of these mothers are disgusting. they are making their daughters believe that if they dont look good then they are nothing. Why would you ever give your child a bad body image, its almost a form of bullying :x .
just putting it on! they are kids for godsake they shouldnt be caring about their figures
When's this on?

My mum gave me body and looks issues, not sure if she meant to but I picked up on a lot from her- including making myself sick. She'd tell me I was fat and tell me that she looked so much better than me even being much older etc etc

She would try to make me feel inadequate in lots of ways as she was actually jealous , of her own daughter- makes me so scared that history will repeat but ill never treat Scarlett the way my mum has me
Oh I wanted to watch that.
Bet I've missed it...was it on last night? Is it repeated on one of the millions of other repeat/catch-up channels?
My dad always used to slate how I looked when I was younger, and in a way for a long while, it did stick.
yep it sticks alright, my mum has always been very obese and she was so jealous of me being skinny, she used to say to me "your so skinny it makes me sick" with a look of total disgust, this was from about the age of 6 until I left home at 15. So I grew up with conflicting messages, she was constantly dieting and moaning about her weight, but then she woud be sat on the sofa eating junk all day while I did all the housework and stuff :roll:

I hated myself for being skinny but could never put any weight on as I was so paranoid about getting fat.

I still hate my body and am very very self consious.
my cousins son has been told by his mother that if he eats he will be fat like us (meaning his dads side). She made him so scared of getting fat that he never ate anything. He ended up in hospital because he was so under weight and she said it was our fault because we tried to make him eat :roll: Some people are sick.

Why do i always know the weirdo's :roll: :shock:
i was gonna watch it but didnt. i wouldnt be nasty to my child or nowt with body stuff. id say they look lovely as they are and no need to change it. personally i hate my body but havnt had the need to change it :)
I was always told I was the "clever" one and the next sister down from me was the "pretty" one (the others all had tags too :roll: )

Spent years thinking I was plain and even now standing next to my sister I always feel self conscious. :( Even though I've actually aged far better than her :(
can I also add that as my DS is gorgeous (no really - not a mum thing :D ) I hope he never need worry :D

When he starts to gain a little weight (inbetween growth spurts) we never mention food but instead push a little more activity as a family. Hopefully that will build far better connections in his mind than concentrating on food as we don't eat junk etc anyway (apart from what he buys himself grrr :roll: )
Its amazing isnt it how the seemingly smallest things can impact our lives and our opinions of ourselves so dramatically!

When BIL was down last week with his wife and kids, his wife was tlaking about the youngest who is 2 saying shes the most beautiful out of the 3 girls and will grow up to be the most stunning looking, this was in front of the other 2 girls (7 and 6) and I saw the eldests face just tighten into a grimace, my heart really went out to her.
It is horrible and doesn't always translate into adult life (my sister and the girl next door who was always Mary in the school play as she was lovely looking then...now she looks a good 10 years older than me and v plain) but the effect the words have does :(
I have a nice mum. Even when my fashion sense was at its dodgiest.my makeup was horrendous and my eyebrows needed sorting, she'd still tell me I looked lovely :) bless her. Luckily I've never really had the body issues other girls of my age seem to have
awww i missed it i wanted to watch it too

my mum has always bought us up that we have to look nice all the time, she used tomoan at me if i had no makeup on or dressed in boyish clothes :evil:

my child will be beautiful in my eyes even if they are goths or dress strange i will think they are beautiful as long as they are happy then im happy

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