Tearing, stitches and other delights

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: after pushing out a 10lb-er I think you're more than entitled to have a few accidents wee-wise. you'll be back to normal before you know it
I remember things being that bad after my first and he was only 8lb 13 - it did take quite a few weeks before things felt anywhere near normal - this time round (with a 10lb 8oz baby) I already feel almost normal and it is 2 weeks today - :hug: :hug: it will get better
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It will get better hun, I can imagine it being humiliating. Dont be too hard on yourself, you did an amazing thing to push out a 10lber!!

Have you spoken to a doc or midwife about it?

I know exactly how you feel, was in the same boat with my first baby. I also had quite an extensive 2nd degree tear with loads of stitches. It was swollen for several days after birth, probably a week or so if I remember correctly, but after a couple of weeks the sticthes should have dissolved. Didnt have any problems with mine other being sore for a while, which is expected anyway.

I also had piles brought on by the immense pushing in labour, although they never became sore. With time they will shrink back to normal, just keep yourself well hydrated and eat plenty of fibre to help you pass any poo. I remember being absolutely terrified of having my first toilet encounter after birth, but it wasnt so bad when it finally happened! In all honesty though, I have had piles on and off ever since giving birth to my son and that was 3 years ago. My doc says once you have had them, they tend to rear their ugly heads over and over again and will probably always linger. I do manage to keep them at bay for the majority of the time with a good diet and plenty of water, but they never completely disappear.

As for bladder control, that will gradually improve in leaps and bounds over the course of the next couple of weeks. It wont happen overnight, and you have to remember your body has been through a situation akin to a major trauma in some ways so you gotta expect a few niggles. It can be embarrasing, but it will get better. Once you begin to get feeling back, make sure you get in some pelvic floor exercises as this will help with any weaknesses also. Having to sit with your feet up because of the pain and swelling is no bad thing, I was always advised to keep my feet up when feeding anyway, to help prevent any swelling in legs and feet. Everything drains downwards naturally, so by elevating your feet you can help combat this, so at least you might have one less thing to worry yourself over! Hope you feel better soon x

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