
I had a small episiotomy, and that wasn't enough, so then they extended it a bit more, but that still wasn't enough and then I just ripped open the rest of the way.

Couldn't feel a thing at the time because of the epidural. Didn't feel the cutting, the tearing, or the being stitched up.

But once the epidural wore off.....oh dear lord the absolute pain. Every time I went for a wee I felt like I was pouring firey acid down there - brought bucket-loads of tears to my eyes and feelings of wishing to commit suicide lol. (And this is even WITH throwing jugs full of water down there at the same time!)

I didn't dare poo for about a week because I was too scared! In the end I think I gave myself psychological constipation!! I had to go to the chemist and get some lactulose to get myself going.
Ironically when I did manage to do a poo it was a lot less painful than peeing, which was somewhat of a relief.

I dosed myself up to high heaven on paracetamols trying to relieve the pain but it didn't help much. It wasn't really even just the weeing that hurt - I could barely sit down! Kept telling DH to go and buy me an inflatable ring to sit on lol (he didn't though).

So yeh, not going to lie, it hurt like an absolute b*stard. Far as I'm concerned that was the absolute worst part of the whole 'having a baby' thing. But obviously you look at your baby and it's all worth it, not matter how much it hurts!

Mine was just about healed by 6 weeks but still kinda felt a bit sore.
I had an episiotomy, which stung when it was done...but really your far too busy pushing to care at the time, and don't really notice it. After that, I had a retained placenta and started hemorraging, so I had to go to theater to have the placenta removed...they just topped up my epidural to a full spinal block and well they remove the placenta the same way the baby came out, so I tore inside my virgina and outside as the surgeon was very rough trying to get it out. I had around 20+ stitches, but they were sewn up in theater with the spinal block in place and I didn't feel a thing...

I cannot stress the importance of salt baths everyday and sometimes twice a day. Not deep, but just enough to cover the tops of your legs...and lots of salt...It stings a bit...but the healing time is quicker and your less likely to get infections.

Having the stitches removed can be rather unpleasent, but not too bad. And its all well worth it when you have your beautiful baby at the end of it. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I was cut and then tore even more as they yanked DS out as he was prem and they were concerned. I had numbing stuff too when I was cut and although i felt myself tear it wasn't as painful as the contractions. I had gas and air whilst they stitched me - and can't remember any pain, and afterwards it was a little bit delicate for a few days, but not agony - it was just uncomfortable. :? I had problems afterwards for a while as the tear had torn part of my bottom bits as well :shock: but that was easily solved with lots of fibre and a bit of cream :D

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