A quick hello (and cute baby pics!)

Galen is gorgeous! You must be so proud. Congratulations :cheer:
moss said:
Congratulations and aww look at all of that hair! My husband and I are wondering whether to expect a lot of hair because he had a lot but I was practically bald until sometime after I started walking (VERY blonde)! He is so cute and your pictures are incredibly sharp! What kind of camera do you use? We're on the lookout for a new one.

I had a mop of jet black hair when born and OH had a thick mop of red hair, so we were not surprised to see Galen had a thick head of hair. We were surprised at the colour though. Was expecting lighter, but not red as I don't carry the gene :cry:

This camera is the one :)


It really is good. Top of the range point and shoot (next step is a digital SLR) but not small enough to fit in your pocket. But its zoom etc and video function are great and its picture quality I cannot fault. It runs on AA batteries as its a bit bigger than average, but I just use rechargables and its fine :) Keep 3 sets, so one in camera, one on charge and one spare.
Sherlock said:
Not sure how well I am doing tbh. OH tells me brilliantly, but lack of sleep has made it hard going. I can function on the most basic levels when this tired, but with the hormones going haywire also it made for a real drama queen who lost the plot often and had no idea why :roll: I feel much more even keeled today though, having had 8 hours sleep finally.

Now listen you. You are doing brilliantly. All that matters at the moment is survival - sleeping, eating, washing etc - and you are doing everything so well. Nothing can ever prepare you (and I think with your past career and passion for reading you were probably more prepared than most), but you are already an amazing Mummy, who just needs to believe in herself.

I often think I functioned better on less sleep. I'm finding things H-A-R-D just now and DD sleeps 7pm-7am - but that's another story.

I am so proud of you and Galen - you're doing a fantastic job.

Valentine Xxx
Glad to hear he is doing well :D You sound like you have it pretty much sorted between you and Hubby :D

Also beautiful pics, you must be so proud of him :)
valentine said:
Now listen you. You are doing brilliantly. All that matters at the moment is survival - sleeping, eating, washing etc - and you are doing everything so well. Nothing can ever prepare you (and I think with your past career and passion for reading you were probably more prepared than most), but you are already an amazing Mummy, who just needs to believe in herself.

I often think I functioned better on less sleep. I'm finding things H-A-R-D just now and DD sleeps 7pm-7am - but that's another story.

I am so proud of you and Galen - you're doing a fantastic job.

Valentine Xxx

So I am a little weepy reading this Valentine :hug: :hug:

Thank you :)

I think I probably was maybe more prepared than others having nannied for so many years, but of course your own makes it different again. Plus labour wiped me out for a few days :lol: :roll: Some of the things that bamboozle new Mums I just do on auto pilot having done it so many times before, but other things.... I'm the same as any new mum and do feel like the floor has opened and is about to swallow me up :roll:

I'm doing stuff, cooking meals, laundry, cleaning. My mother was here for the weekend and that took the pressure off then, but other than that its been only OH and myself and he has been wonderful and done so much also. I tend to leave him to look after Galen while I go do stuff and walk the dog. Otherwise I'd not get out of the house. My bladder woes are not making it easy for me to go far atm either, so I tend to stay close to home. Roll on physio for that problem :wall:

Cor I sound like a right moaning Minnie :lol: I really cannot complain as tbh, apart from almost total sleep deprivation and a baby that feeding wise is very demanding everything else is falling into place. Just those two things combined seem to make for a really hard time. But things are getting better now I've had some sleep and we've made changes to how we do things.

Better go sort the laundry out otherwise I'm out of sleepsuits for tonight :lol: :roll:
Aww he's gorgeous. Glad you're both doing well. Your OH sounds like a real star too.
hes such a beautiful baby! congratulations again! i have already been warned about the crying marathon that comes after having a baby, i must say im not looking forward to it!

i loved reading your birth story, so glad you are healing well. be sure to post more pictures as your son gets bigger. :hug:

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