moss said:Congratulations and aww look at all of that hair! My husband and I are wondering whether to expect a lot of hair because he had a lot but I was practically bald until sometime after I started walking (VERY blonde)! He is so cute and your pictures are incredibly sharp! What kind of camera do you use? We're on the lookout for a new one.
Sherlock said:Not sure how well I am doing tbh. OH tells me brilliantly, but lack of sleep has made it hard going. I can function on the most basic levels when this tired, but with the hormones going haywire also it made for a real drama queen who lost the plot often and had no idea whyI feel much more even keeled today though, having had 8 hours sleep finally.
valentine said:Now listen you. You are doing brilliantly. All that matters at the moment is survival - sleeping, eating, washing etc - and you are doing everything so well. Nothing can ever prepare you (and I think with your past career and passion for reading you were probably more prepared than most), but you are already an amazing Mummy, who just needs to believe in herself.
I often think I functioned better on less sleep. I'm finding things H-A-R-D just now and DD sleeps 7pm-7am - but that's another story.
I am so proud of you and Galen - you're doing a fantastic job.
Valentine Xxx