I've a 2nd degree internal and external tear with about 20 stitches all up. All very neat and cleanly stitched and healing well I am told. I did peek using a mirror a couple of days ago and instantly regretted it
It was like looking at an alien planet down there. Felt it also. And like having a football between my legs it was so swollen
Anyways, how long till stitches are taken out or dissolve? Its the one thing I forgot to ask my MW about (I was a bit distracted when she was putting them in
) She was here today but again, forgot to ask and have opted to wait till Monday before seeing her again.
Also, I've piles now
Not a sign of them during pregnancy but the big push to pop out a 10lb'er did for me
Atm I've very little sensation in that area and have had my bowels open a few times, but still can't really *feel* much. Anyone else experience this? How long till it all came back and you went 'OWWWWW' at the piles?
And last one... bladder control loss after birth. It was bad initially for me. MW said it was due to large baby and to practice my pelvic floor lots. Only thing is, again, I've more or less a total loss of sensation down there and really cannot feel *anything*. I was wetting myself the first few days and its slowly getting better in that I have more control now, so can make it to the loo, but I still have a numb feeling. Anyone else had this and again, how long till it came back for you? I hate not being on control of my bladder. Its already driven me to tears on a couple of occasions