Talking about WTT


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
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Hello! :wave:

This is my first post, so here goes!

Me and my OH have been together for 2 years, and we've just bought our first home(very exciting times) we've spoken about babies a few times and now our 'couple friends' have announced they are 12 weeks pregnant!

Which got us thinking that actually we're a Bit jealous of them!!! We've come to a conclusion that we'll start TTC late next year/ early 2014.

I'm 21 and OH is 25, I feel like we should have some savings behind us and enjoy more 'us' time, but recently I've been so so broody, I'm not sure i can wait that long :/

I've been at my current job for about 4 months, but by the time we TTC I'd have been there quite a while longer anyway!

Sorry about the long post, but I wanted to know what others thought, I don't feel like I'm too young to start a family, I just worry about being judged by others???

And as for the financial side of things, it could take us a while to have a good amount of savings!!

Any advice would be appreciated :) Thanks for reading!!
Well you are waiting a fair while hun I'd save all you can in that time x I don't think anyone is ever truly ready for a baby no matter how much preparation goes into it lol!

As for being too young that's crap plenty of young mums on here who do just fine age is a number if you feel mature enough and secure in your relationship I don't see a problem.

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
I was 20 when i had my first. Concieved at 19! And shes amazing! Also have a 2nd and a 3rd on the way lol! Dont worry about what other people think about it. If you worry about that all your life youll never get anything done lol! xxx
Hey :wave: I think you're being sensible, you have your own place, you're working and saving up! You're in a stable relationship and feel ready. I wouldn't worry about people judging you, they'll do it regardless. I had l/o when I was 30, been with o/h 9 years, have our own house that we built as both have good careers. People still judged us because we weren't married. And we still have no intention of marrying. You just can't please some folk ;) x
Hiya :wave: I agree with other advice. Don't worry about what other people have to say. Somebody somewhere will have an opinion and voice it whether you line it or not. The important thing is that you feel ready regardless of age. Sounds like you've got a good plan and if a baby comes before the dates you said I'm sure you'd cope anyway. I have to admit if you look at the financials no one would have kids. Truth is you just adapt and have do many other nice things to concentrate on it doesn't matter in the end :)

Using Tapatalk can't see no tickers grrrrr.
Thanks so much for all the support!
Feeling more positive now!! :)
Im 20 and my lo is 8 months old trying for number 2 if you are in a stable relationship you sound very level headed so i say do it xx
I don't think your too young at all... Your post shows how mature and sensible you are!
I agree there is no right time to have a baby... But there is a better time. And I think you already know all the reasons :)
It's good you want to get some savings behind you. And at least you will be entitled to mat pay from your
I'm 20 and I had daughter when I was 19 and she's nearly 11 months. Me and OH bought our house and moved in while I was pregnant and although it seems stressful it wasn't actually too bad :)!

I think your time wait is a good one :) as you said you can have some savings then and have settled in to your house.

One thing I do miss is mine and OHs time together. I wish we had had more time with just each other even though I love LO to bits!
hope the wait isnt too long for u hun.

sounds like your plan's a good 'un! :)


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