Looking forward to trying


Mar 30, 2010
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Hi, this is my first post so please be patient with me!

hubby and i got married about six months ago and everyone around us seems to be getting pregnant! we absolutely can't wait to ttc but at the moment we think we should probably wait a while. firstly, my sister is on IVF and is about to start her third cycle so i'd feel pretty guilty to suddenly announce that we were expecting. also, our financial situation is pretty poor at the moment and we'd like to be on a bit more of a stable footing before having a baby.

trouble is i'm soooo broody! we sort of earmarked 2011 to be the year to start ttc but it feels like a long way off - especially with so many new babies/pregnancies around us! anyone else feel a bit like this?
Oh Hun waiting for your sister is such an honorable thing to do :hug:

2011 is just around the corner, just think how fast the past 6 months have flown
by since you got married! It will be here before you know it

besides we are all here to keep you company until then

Oh forgot to say :wave: and welcome to the forum
thanks, it's nice to see so many people kinda in the same boat!

it's true, the past six months have flown by so i guess it really isn't that long. i have to admit that the anticipation of it all is quite exciting too - certainly something to look forward to!

well i'm looking forward to hearing about everybodys stories and experiences
Think it's really lovely oif you to think of your sister like that.

Welcome to the forum!!!
Karen xxx
Hi and welcome to the forum and good for you on waiting for your sister...good luck when you can start trying, and as the others have said...the time will fly by, and in the meantime we're all here!

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