Swelling on the baby's neck and excess fluid in my womb

This made me so sad and then happy reading this! Miracles happen so pleased for you!xxx
This made me so sad and then happy reading this! Miracles happen so pleased for you!xxx

It's mad isn't it! I really had braised my self for the worst, turns out he was just being naughty and playing mummy and daddy up lol thnx for the kind words xxx

This is the first time I have done anything like this but i'm just looking for a bit of support / advice please.

I'm 24 years old and 13 weeks pregnant with my first baby.

I had my 12 week scan last week, the NT measurement was 4 mm which I was told was high. We went on to have the blood test offered, the results of which I have had today and am given a 1 in 2 chance of the baby having downs syndrome.

We have decided to have the amnio test carried out, this will be done when I am just over 15 weeks, 6th January so it feels like an age before we get to know for definite plus we will be meeting with family and friends etc over the Christmas period so keeping the pregnancy a secret will be really difficult as i'm starting to show already.

I just can't believe that the risk is so high given my age - its knocked me for 6. I know i've only been told about the blood results today but i just don't know how i'm going to get through the next couple of weeks waiting for answers.

Has anyone had anything similar happen to them?

It would be great to hear some of your experiences please.

Thank you

Hey k1989, o hun :( I know exactly what your going thru as I have just literally come out of exactly the same situation! I am 24 and pregnant with my second child. My first daughter is 3 and I had the most amazing and straight forward pregnancy with her, so when I went for my first scan with baby at 12 week they told me things weren't looking good. My baby has a nt measurement of 5.5 mms. And I Also had a lot of extra fluid around the baby in the womb. The midwifes really didn't give me any hope and said I had to go for the cvs. I had to wait a week which felt like an eternity! So I booked in for a private marker scan at a private clinic. This also was not a good idea as they told me that my baby had no nose which was also a marker for Down syndrome. The bloods come back that day Aswell and I was a 1in 4 risk of chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome ect) I had the cvs the following day at the Birmingham women's hospital, don't be scared it is just a little uncomfortable, but doesn't really hurt, I became a little sore after, but felt like mild period pains. I waited another agonising 2 weeks for my results and you wouldn't believe it, after every bad sign they said my BABY BOY was fine! I am now 18 weeks and had a cardiac scan last week as they were worries the swelling was a result of the baby having a poorly heart or other problems with his organs, but yet again 4 weeks after the first terrifying Scan, the swelling and every other problem has corrected it's self! So my baby is now perfectly fine and I am now starting to enjoy my pregnancy! Please please please don't give up hope you Ur little miracle :) as bad as it sounds I sort of did and my little boy come out fighting! They really don't like saying that it's going to be ok, but keep positive :) I know what you and Ur partner must be going thru, me and my husband hid my bump and his the fact I was pregnant! It's really hard not to blame yourself, but u mustn't in coz nothing you can do will change anything! If you need to talk about anything or have any more question please ask! The girls on here really helped me, so would love the chance to hopefully make u feel alittle better xxxxx
Sarah1989 just read this thread and wanted to say how pleased I am that your little boy is fine after all that! U must feel incredibly relieved!

K1989- so sorry u r going through this hun! I cannot begin to imagine what its like but I hope and pray u get good news too and all is well for your little baby xxx
Mum2b410 :) thnk you so much :) me and my husband are so relieved! Literally feel the luckiest mommy alive :) x x
Congratulations, so pleased everything turned out ok. Relax and enjoy your pregnancy now! Xxx
Wow what a thread!! So glad everything worked out ok for you! Amazing!xx
congratulations Sarah glad everything is fine i can feel the rollercoaster ride you have gone through your happy end made me cry. Hope you have a healthy baby xx
Hey need some advice and help off mommys that may now something about this. I had my first scan last Friday and afraid it wasn't good news. The sonographer did not look happy when scanning me, and informed me that the baby had a swollen neck ( anything above 3mm is classed as high risk, and my baby was measuring 4mm) also she explained I had excess fluid in my womb which was also a marker for chromosome abnormalities. I now have to go have a cvs scan on Thursday where they test the placenta. I am having to wait a week and it truely is killing me and my partner. I have a very healthy 3 year old little girl, so devastated that this is happening to us :( the midwifes were to unable to give us any statistics, so we are preparing ourselves for the worst, but would love to hear if anyone else has been thru this and has some positive outcomes :) please help xxx
Hi sarah1989, want you to know you're not alone. Same thing happened to me at my 11wk ultrasound. UT detected a large nuchal translucency of 4.9 and excessive fluid. while these were the only "soft" markers for a chromosomal abnormality/heart defect found, I had the CVS testing done the same day anyways. worst part was waiting 2 weeks for results. Results came back normal, all appropriate chromosomes.

They also scheduled me for an echocardiogram (another ultrasound where they look at the heart more closely). had that at 19wks, everything was fine and normal.

Dr's say now that the larger neck area could just be an isolated incident, since everything else came back normal. They are monitoring baby every so often to see if the swelling goes down.

Please do not stress, I hope this brings you at least a small bit of hope :)

Sending good vibes your way.

FTM: 23wks w/ healthy baby girl.

Heya chick. This forum post was from a fair few months ago. We had an awful pregnancy and we're told there was a lot wrong with my little boy. I had him on the 8th June, weighing a whooping 10lb 1 lol, and sooooo healthy. There is not a thing wrong with him! So please don't stress about your little bundle!!! Since the nah have started doing these tests, instead of the 20 week blood tests there have been so many complaints! Mothers panicking and being given unnecessary stress. After I had my 20 week fetal heart scan, the pretty much ruled out any major problems but because of the swelling around Chase's neck ( Chase is my son) said he may have minor heart or other organ problems. But as I said earlier he is beautifully healthy :) :) :) keep your chin up and im sure your cooking the babba nicely :) we did go thru hell tho, and has every test going, so if u need to ask anything or just want someone to talk to, don't hesitate to get in touch :) xxx
Congratulations!! Great weight! Wonderful to hear Chase is fully healthy!.... I was bumping this for Clare33 as she posted in tri1 about fluid on babies neck from her 12 week scan. Its lovely to hear a positive outcome- I'm sure it will give her hope! Thanks for sharing- hope u r enjoying your little boy :-)

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